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(formerly the European Community)

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1 (formerly the European Community)
The European Union (formerly the European Community)

2 What is the E.U.? Primarily a trade bloc to group European countries into the world’s largest trade power (can compete with U.S., Japan, etc.)

3 I. History

4 A. Beginnings The EU (European Union) was set up after WWII. In the 1950s, six original nations—West Germany, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, and Belgium—formed an organization to promote free trade among member nations.

5 B. Additional Members There have been several periods of enlargement:
1973: Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom 1981: Greece 1986: Spain and Portugal 1995: Austria, Finland and Sweden Ten nations were added in 2004: Czech Republic; Cyprus; Estonia; Hungary; Latvia; Lithuania; Malta; Poland; Slovakia; and Slovenia The EU now has 28 member nations.

6 C. Applicant Nations These new ten nations were primarily from Eastern Europe. They had to meet fairly rigorous economic and political conditions for entry. One nation that has applied to join but has not been added is Turkey.

7 II. Mission of the EU

8 the single market was established in 1993
A. To eliminate economic barriers between member nations the single market was established in 1993 Reduced tariffs between members, fewer border restrictions, “free trade” Single currency, the euro, launched in 1999 Dollar = $ Euro =

9 B. To introduce European citizenship
Gives people rights as Europeans that are in addition to the rights guaranteed by their own countries Easier to travel and work in other member countries

10 already occurring – they share defense and environmental policy
C. Eventually, become more of a political unit (“the United States of Europe”) Controversial, because individual countries must give up some of their autonomy (self-government) already occurring – they share defense and environmental policy

11 Europe is becoming increasingly connected…
Oresund bridge between Denmark and Sweden $15 billion “Chunnel” b/t the UK and France

12 ..although they’ve always liked to travel fast!
French TGV The Concorde – the world’s only supersonic jet – with time zone differences, when traveling from London to New York, it arrives before it took off! (one way = $5K to $10K) German Autobahn (speed limit = ???)

13 Policy Areas Agriculture Economy Education Environment Energy
Infrastructure Foreign Policy Human Rights Humanitarian Aid Science/Research Trade Internal Market


15 III. Issues

16 A. Gap between member nations
Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, a number of Eastern European countries (former satellite countries of the Soviet Union) have joined the EU. What can be done about the wide gap between the economic and political development of eastern and western European countries?

17 B. The Euro Not all EU members have adopted the Euro. Can the currency be successful without the support of countries like the UK?

18 C. Cultural Diversity How do member nations maintain their cultural identity? With costs exceeding $1 million per day for translations and interpretation, will respect for differences be preserved?

19 For more information: Short Multimedia Film from National Geographic (approx 5 minutes) Europa: The European Union Online Many photos courtesy of

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