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Predicting secondary aerosol formation from:

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1 Predicting secondary aerosol formation from:
the amount of gas phase reaction of a given compound called DROG (reactive organic gas) DROG --> Sai product Ci DROG Product Ci concentration Product Ci = Cgas i +Cpart i time

2 Jay Odum, ES&T, vol 30, p2580, 1996, started with a Gas/Particle partitioning model and tried to estimate aerosol yields based DROG, the change in reactive organic conc. Kp i = 760 RTx10-6 fom /{Mw gi PoLi} Kp i / fom= Kom i Kom i = Cpart /{Cgas fom xTSP} Kom i = Cpart /{Cgas Mo} where fom xTSP = Mo Mo is the organic aerosol mass conc in mg/m3 Historically researchers have thought in terms of aerosol yields, Y, from a given reactive hydrocarbon.

3 Y = DMo/ DROG 1 DMo= formed aerosol mass
Kom i = Cpart /{Cgas Mo} 2 a DROG= product Ci a = proportionally const product Ci= Cpart i+ Cgas i 4 Yi DROG = Cpart i substituting product Ci in eq 4 into eq 3 and DROG from eq 3 into eq.5 Yi (Cpart i + Cgas i)/ai = Cpart I substituting Cpart i in eq 6 into eq 2 Kom i = Yi (Cpart i + Cgas i)/ { ai Cgas Mo} 8 ai Kom i = Yi(Cpart i + Cgas i) /{Cgas Mo} 9

4 ai Kom, i = Yi(Cpart i + Cgas i) /{Cgas Mo} 10
Kom, i = Cpart i /{Cgas i Mo} rearranging eq 10 ai Kom, i = Yi(Kom, i + 1/Mo} ) 11 solving for Yi What if Mo is small or Kom is high? for the entire aerosol yield Odum found that just two terms could approximate aerosol forming in a smog chamber

5 Jay used pairs of Mo (measured aerosol) and Y (Yields) from his chamber aerosol experiments
How do we get yields?? He then numerically solved for a1,a2, Kom,1 and Kom,2 to fit his yield and measured aerosol data a- pinene- NOx experiments by Odum Y Mo (mg/m3)

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