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Pilot testing the WG-SS in the Netherlands Kim Knoops Jan-Willem Bruggink Coen van Gool Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

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Presentation on theme: "Pilot testing the WG-SS in the Netherlands Kim Knoops Jan-Willem Bruggink Coen van Gool Statistics Netherlands (CBS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pilot testing the WG-SS in the Netherlands Kim Knoops Jan-Willem Bruggink Coen van Gool
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

2 Background Disability data collected in multiple ways: need for efficiency All indicators are used in same survey (Health survey / Eu-HIS), some even in multiple (Eu-SILC/Eu-LFS) To guide that process we need to know whether these disability indicators yield similar information Objective: test WG-SS feasibility and face validity Pilot testing the WG-SS in the Netherlands | 8 December 2016

3 GALI EU measure For at least the past six months, to what extent have you been limited because of a health problem in activities people usually do? -severely limited -limited but not severely -not limited at all Refers to general restrictions in participation without specifying the type of activity concerned Mixed success, yet ubiquitous in ESS Pilot testing the WG-SS in the Netherlands | 8 December 2016

4 WG-SS pilot test Several of the WG – SS items were already in the Health Survey, others were introduced. Some were not introduced (walking), some were split All items were in the same block of questions but not back to back The WG-SS ran for 5 months in 2015 Respondents either got WG-SS (n≈2800) or the OECD questions (n≈5300), but all got GALI (n=8100) Pilot testing the WG-SS in the Netherlands | 8 December 2016

5 OECD against GALI Pilot testing the WG-SS in the Netherlands | 8 December 2016

6 WG-SS domain scores against GALI
Pilot testing the WG-SS in the Netherlands | 8 December 2016

7 WG-SS summary measure against age and GALI
Pilot testing the WG-SS in the Netherlands | 8 December 2016

8 Conclusions Limitations Next steps
Face validity demonstrated based on prevalence and crosstables No proper cognitive testing, nor field testing Items split in two: sum first before using in composite measures? Separate SS items scattered throughout survey, no proper introduction… Recommend cognitive test Prepare for EHIS 2019 Limitations Next steps Pilot testing the WG-SS in the Netherlands | 8 December 2016

9 Pilot testing the WG-SS in the Netherlands | 8 December 2016

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