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The Nazi Party & The Third Reich

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1 The Nazi Party & The Third Reich
By Alyana Gomez Jenessa Rivera

2 Nazi Party Third Reich Political party
Originally known as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party Ran the Third Reich Nazi, Germany Ideal Germany The Nazi party, originally known as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party had been around prior to the Holocaust but did not become popular until Hitler became their political leader. They were against the Jews and ran The Third Reich, which was their “ideal” version of Germany.

3 How did people get in? Had to be full German Questioning of Genealogy
Fill out Application Blood testing The Nazi Party fully believed in a pure German Nation so trying to get in was a crazy process. Not only did they make people fill out applications, but they also questioned their genealogy. And if that wasn’t enough already, they made people take blood tests. They did all this to ensure that there were only full-blooded Germans and also to make sure there were no Jewish or other non-pure Aryan blood Germans.

4 When & Where? Nazi Party & Third Reich In Germany from 1925 to 1945
The party lasted while Hitler was in charge Became an official party in January, 1925 Became the largest political party in Germany in July, 1932 The Third Reich was created in 1933 The Nazi Party was in Germany. It became an official party in 1925 when the ban of them being able to speak out in public was lifted. And a year later the Third Reich was created. The Nazi party lasted up until Hitler committed suicide. After that, it slowly began to die down because they no longer had a lead figure to uphold them and keep them popular amongst the people.

5 What? Nazi Party Third Reich Jailed people against them
Wasn’t fair promoted German pride anti-Semitism Supported Hitler The Party fully encouraged German pride and domination. Hitler was able to convince the Nazi Party that the Jews were the cause of the economic downturn, therefore causing them to become anti-Semitic, or to hate Jews. Anyone who disagreed with the Third Reich was immediately thrown into jail without even having a court date or any judicial review. So whether a person was right or wrong, they could not speak out against the Third Reich, so they were forced to remain silent out of fear of imprisonment.

6 Why? Manipulated by Hitler
Believed they should get rid of communists and Jews Wanted German Domination The main reason why they did everything was because of Hitler. Originally he came in as a spy but then he realized that their ideas were similar to his and decided that he wanted in. This way, he was able to manipulated their ideas to be more like his and his persuasive personality got him to become their leader. That way he would have a whole political party support his actions.

7 Works Cited “Law and Justice in the Third Reich” October 22, 2013 “Application to Nazi Party” October 22, 2013 “Third Reich: An Overview” October 22, 2013 “THIRD REICH: AN OVERVIEW — PHOTOGRAPH” October 22, 2013 “Nazi Party” October 22,2013

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