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What is Gothic Literature?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Gothic Literature?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Gothic Literature?

2 Gothic literature includes a vast amount of dark and ghastly aspects.

3 Its important role is to exemplify humanity’s deepest, darkest fears and otherwise unspeakable evils – both in the real world and in one’s imagination.

4 Gothic Settings Take copious notes!

5 Haunted House

6 Gothic Settings

7 Castles (especially medieval)

8 Darkness

9 Remote, decaying Monasteries

10 Winding Staircase

11 Graveyards

12 Secret Passages or Sliding Panels

13 Torture Chambers

14 Gothic Stock Characters
Continue your notes

15 Tyrants

16 Villains

17 Maniacs & Mad Women

18 “mad, bad & dangerous to know”
Byronic Hero “mad, bad & dangerous to know”

19 Persecuted Maiden

20 Femme fatale

21 Magicians, Vampires, Werewolves, Monsters, Demons & the Devil

22 Ghosts

23 Animated Skeletons

24 Priests & Monks

25 Cats, Bats & Wolves

26 Gothic Characters Overcome by anger, sorrow, and terror
Suffer from raw nerves and a feeling of impending doom Breathlessness & panic are common

27 Gothic Atmosphere Mystery Suspense Threatening feeling
Fear enhanced by the unknown Melancholy Dread Apprehensive Oppressive atmosphere of doom

28 Gothic Subjects Keep the notes going

29 Secrets Hereditary Curses Incest

30 Inanimate objects moving

31 Death

32 Sleep

33 Live Burial

34 Twins or Doubles

35 Secret & undecipherable writings

36 Murder

37 Moonlight

38 Blood

39 Gothic Themes No one escapes death (Death is inevitable)
Guilt and shame and the effects of them

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