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The Holocaust.

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1 The Holocaust

2 Discussion—The Holocaust
How does something like the Holocaust happen and who is responsible?

3 Nazi Anti-Semitic Propaganda

4 Nazi Anti-Semitic Postcard from 1938

5 The Poisonous Mushroom

6 Children Reading The Poisonous Mushroom

7 Warsaw Ghetto

8 Warsaw ghetto

9 Discussion Questions--Night
The Nazis' program of persecution against the Jewish people in Sighet was carried out in gradual steps. First, the German officers moved into private homes. They closed the synagogues. They arrested leaders of the Jewish community, forbade the Jews from owning any valuables under penalty of death, and forced them to wear the Star of David on their clothes. Jews no longer had the right to frequent restaurants, to travel by train, to attend synagogue, or to be on the streets after 6 o'clock in the evening. Then, they were forced to leave their homes and move into designated ghettos. And from the ghettos, the Jews were deported to the concentration camps. How do you think the Jews felt as the persecution escalated? Why do you think they followed the Germans' rules? Should they have stood up? Would you have reacted differently?

10 Discussion Questions--Night
When Night begins, Eliezer is so moved by faith that he weeps when he prays—but he is only 12 years old. How does Eliezer's relationship with his faith and with God change as the book progresses? When the book ends, he is 16 years old. How would you describe him? What literal and symbolic meanings does "night" have in the book?

11 Discussion Questions--Night
Early in the book, after Moishe the Beadle escapes his execution, no one, not even Eliezer, believes his tales (p. 7). Even when the Germans arrive in Sighet and move all the Jews into ghettos, the Jewish townspeople seem to ignore or suppress their fears. "Most people thought that we would remain in the ghetto until the end of the war, until the arrival of the Red Army. Afterward everything would be as before" (p. 12). What might be the reasons for the townspeople's widespread denial of the evidence facing them?

12 Discussion Questions--Night
Think of the kapos and the little blonde pipel who is hanged on page 64. Who are the bystanders? Who are the perpetrators? Who are the victims in Night? Do these roles sometimes overlap?

13 Discussion Questions--Night
When Eliezer sees his father being beaten with an iron bar, he keeps silent and thinks of "stealing away" so he won't have to watch what's happening (p. 54). Instead of directing his anger at the Kapo, he becomes mad at his father. What do you think is really going on inside of Eliezer? Who is he really mad at?

14 Discussion Questions--Night
At the end of Night, Wiesel writes: "From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left me" (p. 115). What parts of Eliezer died during his captivity? What was born in their place? What scenes from Night do you remember most vividly? Have they made you look at the world or your family differently?

15 Discussion Questions--Night
In his 1986 Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, Wiesel says: "[O]ne person of integrity can make a difference, a difference of life and death. As long as one dissident is in prison, our freedom will not be true. As long as one child is hungry, our life will be filled with anguish and shame. What all these victims need above all is to know that they are not alone; that we are not forgetting them, that when their voices are stifled we shall lend them ours, that while their freedom depends on ours, the quality of our freedom depends on theirs" (p. 120). How has Elie Wiesel  fulfilled this purpose with this book? How does this statement make you feel about your place in the world?

16 Discussion Questions--Night
At which points did you identify with Eliezer? Who did you identify with most in Night?

17 Discussion – The Holocaust
What did liberation mean for survivors at the end of the war? What obstacles did they face in rebuilding their lives? As Allied troops moved across Europe, they encountered concentration camps, mass graves, and numerous other sites of Nazi crimes. However, the liberation of concentration camps was not a primary objective of the Allied military campaign. Unprepared for what they encountered, what challenges did these soldiers face as they liberated the camps?

18 Discussion – The Holocaust
Can justice ever be done for the crimes of the Holocaust? Who is responsible for these crimes — political or military leaders? Members of the clergy? Journalists? Bystanders? Is it ever too late to seek justice?

19 Discussion – The Holocaust
The history of the Holocaust continues to resonate on a profound level in the contemporary world. What are its messages for Americans today? · The Holocaust was a watershed event and its legacy continues to reverberate — genocide became defined in international law as a result. In light of the Holocaust’s impact and events in our world, how can you as an individual advance justice and human rights today? As a military professional?

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