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Microcomputer Systems 1

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1 Microcomputer Systems 1
Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design 11/19/2018 Microcomputer Systems 1 Introduction to DSP’s Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

2 Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design
11/19/2018 Introduction to DSP’s Definition: DSP – Digital Signal Processing/Processor It refers to: Theoretical signal processing by digital means (subject of ECE3222, ECE3541), Specialized hardware (processor) that can process signals in real-time (subject of this course ECE3551&3) This class’s focus is on: Hardware Architecture of a real-world DSP platform Software Development on DSPs, and Applied Signal Processing theory and practice. 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

3 Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design
11/19/2018 Introduction to DSP’s DSP’s process signals Signal – a detectable physical quantity or impulse (as a voltage, current, or magnetic field strength) by which messages or information can be transmitted (Webster Dictionary) 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

4 Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design
11/19/2018 Introduction to DSP’s Signal Characteristics: Signals are Physical Quantities: Signals are Measurable Signals are Analog Signals Contain Information. Examples: Temperature [oC] Pressure [Newtons/m2] or [Pa] Mass [kg] Speed [m/s] Acceleration [m/s2] Torque [Newton*m] Voltage [Volts] Current [Amps] Power [Watts] In this class, analog signals are electrical. Sensors: are devices that convert other physical quantities (temperature, pressure, etc.) to electrical signals. 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

5 Introduction to Signals and Systems
Signal and Systems Introduction to Signals and Systems

6 Introduction to Signals and Systems
Introduction to Signals and Systems as related to Engineering Modeling of physical signals by mathematical functions Modeling physical systems by mathematical equations Solving mathematical equations when excited by the input functions/signals. 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

7 Modeling Engineers model two distinct physical phenomena:
Signals are modeled by mathematical functions. Physical systems are modeled by mathematical equations. 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

8 What are Signals? 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

9 Signals Signals, x(t), are typically real functions of one independent variable that typically represents time; t. Time t can assume all real values: -∞ < t < ∞, Function x(t) is typically a real function. 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

10 Example of Signals: Speech
19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

11 Example of Signals EKG:
19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

12 Example of Signals: EEC
19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

13 Categories of Signals Signals can be: Continuous, or Discrete:
T – sampling rate f – sampling frequency – 1/T  – radial sampling frequency – 2f= 2/T 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

14 Corrupting, stochastic noise signal
Signal Processing Signals are often corrupted by noise. s(t) = x(t)+n(t) Want to ‘filter’ the measured signal s(t) to remove undesired noise effects n(t). Need to retrieve x(t). Deterministic signal Corrupting, stochastic noise signal Signal Processing 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

15 What is a System? 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

16 Modeling Examples Human Speech Production is driven by air (input signal) and produces sound/speech (output signal) Voltage (signal) of a RLC circuit Music (signal) produced by a musical instrument Radio (system) converts radio frequency (input signal) to sound (output signal) 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

17 Speech Production Human vocal tract as a system:
Driven by air (as input signal) Produces Sound/Speech (as output signal) It is modeled by Vocal tract transfer function: Wave equations, Sound propagation in a uniform acoustic tube Representing the vocal tract with simple acoustic tubes Representing the vocal tract with multiple uniform tubes 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

18 Anatomical Structures for Speech Production
19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

19 Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design
11/19/2018 Uniform Tube Model Volume velocity, denoted as u(x,t), is defined as the rate of flow of air particles perpendicularly through a specified area. Pressure, denoted as p(x,t), and 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

20 RLC Circuit Voltage, v(t) input signal Current, i(t) output signal
Inductance, L (parameter of the system) Resistance, R (parameter of the system) Capacitance, C (parameter of the system) 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

21 Newton’s Second Law in Physics
The above equation is the model of a physical system that relates an object’s motion: x(t), object’s mass: M with a force f(t) applied to it: f(t), and x(t) are models of physical signals. The equation is the model of the physical system. 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

22 What is a System? A system can be a collection of interconnected components: Physical Devices and/or Processors We typically think of a system as having terminals for access to the system: Inputs and Outputs 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

23 Example: Single Input/Single Output (SISO) System
+ + Electrical Network Vin Vout - - Multiple Input/Multiple Output (MIMO) System x1 (t) y1 (t) x2 (t) System y2 (t) xp (t) yp (t) 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

24 Example: Alternate Block Diagram Representation of a Multiple Input/Multiple Output (MIMO) System x(t) y(t) System 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

25 System Modeling Physical System Mathematical Model Model Analysis
Design Procedure Model Simulation 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

26 Model Types Input-Output Description State-Space Description
Frequency-Domain Representations: Transfer Function - Typically used on ideal Linear-Time-Invariant Systems Fourier Transform Representation Time-Domain Representations Differential/Difference Equations Convolution Models State-Space Description Time-Domain Representation 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

27 Model Types Continuous Models Discrete Models 19 November 2018
Veton Këpuska

28 Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design
11/19/2018 Introduction to DSP’s Analog  Continuous DSP process digital signals: Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Binary representation of the analog signal Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Digital representation of the signal is converted to continuous analog signal. 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

29 Analog Low-pass Filter
ADC a) Continuous Signal b) Amplitude Quantized Signal fs x(t) Analog Low-pass Filter Sample and Hold xa(nT) Quantizer DSP x[n] c) Amplitude & Time Quantized – Digital Signal 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

30 Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design
11/19/2018 Example of ADC 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

31 Analog Low-pass Filter
DAC a) Digital Output Signal b) Analog Signal c) Continuous Low-pass filtered Signal DSP Digital to Analog Converter Analog Low-pass Filter y(t) y[n] ya(nT) 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska

32 Why Processing Signals?
Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design 11/19/2018 Why Processing Signals? Extraction of Information Amplitude Phase Frequency Spectral Content Transform the Signal FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access) TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) Compress Data ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation) CELP (Code Excited Linear Prediction) MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) HDTV (High Definition TV) Generate Feedback Control Signal Robotics (ASIMOV) Vehicle Manufacturing Process Control Extraction of Signal in Noise Filtering Autocorrelation Convolution Store Signals in Digital Format for Analysis FFT 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

33 Digital Telephone Communication System Example:
Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design 11/19/2018 Digital Telephone Communication System Example: 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

34 Typical Architecture of a DSP System
Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design 11/19/2018 Typical Architecture of a DSP System Analog Signal Processing Analog Signal Conditioning Sensor Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Conditioning ADC DSP DAC 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

35 Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design
11/19/2018 Why Using DSP? Low-pass Filtering example: Chebyshev Analog Filter of Type I and Order 6, vs. FIR 129-Tap Filter 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

36 Chebyshev Analog Filter of Type I
Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design 11/19/2018 Chebyshev Analog Filter of Type I Chebyshev Type I (Pass-Band Ripple) 6-Pole 1.0 dB Pass-Band Ripple Non-liner Phase MATLAB: fdatool Order = 6 Fs = 10,000 Hz Fpass = 1,000 Hz Apass = 1 [dB] 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

37 Example of a 3-rd order Active low-pass filter implementation
Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design 11/19/2018 Example of a 3-rd order Active low-pass filter implementation 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

38 Magnitude Response of Chebyshev Filter Type I Order 6.
Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design 11/19/2018 Magnitude Response of Chebyshev Filter Type I Order 6. 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

39 Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design
11/19/2018 Pass-Band Ripple 1.0 dB 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

40 Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design
11/19/2018 Digital Filter Design FIR, 129-Tap, Less then dB Pass Band Ripple Linear Phase 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

41 FIR Filter Magnitude Response
Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design 11/19/2018 FIR Filter Magnitude Response 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

42 Less then 0.002 dB Pass-Band Ripple
Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design 11/19/2018 Less then dB Pass-Band Ripple 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

43 Analog vs. Digital Implementations
Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design 11/19/2018 Analog vs. Digital Implementations Analog Cons: Approximate Filter Coefficients Only standard components available Environment Temperature dependent Less accurate Can be used only for designed purpose Pros: Operate in real-time Digital (DSP) Cons: Real-time operation is dependent on the speed of processor and the complexity of problem at hand. Pros: Accurate Filter implementation to desired precision Operation independent on the environment. Flexible DSP’s can be reprogrammed. 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

44 DSP Implementation of the FIR Filter
Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design 11/19/2018 DSP Implementation of the FIR Filter 129-tap digital filter requires 129 multiply-accumulates (MAC) Operation must be completed within sampling interval (1/Fs) to maintain real-time. Fs=10000Hz = 10kHz ⇒ 100 s ADSP-21xx family performs MAC process in single instruction cycle Instruction rate > 129/100 s = 1.3 MIPS ADSP-218x 16-bit fixed point series: 75 MIPS. 19 November 2018 Veton Këpuska Architecture of a Respresentative 32 Bit Processor

45 End

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