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August 24, 2018 Science Starter: Part 1: Complete Learning Target & Success Criteria Part 2: pgs. 11-13; Review vocabulary Learning Target: I will.

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Presentation on theme: "August 24, 2018 Science Starter: Part 1: Complete Learning Target & Success Criteria Part 2: pgs. 11-13; Review vocabulary Learning Target: I will."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 24, 2018 Science Starter: Part 1: Complete Learning Target & Success Criteria Part 2: pgs ; Review vocabulary Learning Target: I will identify which planet is most capable of supporting life by providing evidence from my research. (WAGON) Success Criteria: I can explain the importance of atmosphere in allowing life to exist. Agenda: 8/24-Science Forms Due 8/31-Life on Earth DCA 9/5-Open House Vocabulary: force, gravity, organic molecules, accommodations, deflecting, exist, microgravity, transport, vacuum

2 Agenda 1. Good Things 2. Job-Substitute Assistance
3. My dad is a space alien (claim, evidence, reasoning) Complete proposal/claim due today pgs Google Slide- pg. 18 5. Launch

3 ADI Groups Resources: Google Classroom link, planet cards, organism cards, my website, ADI Reading, Textbook pages ( ) Pgs —Complete proposal and claim You must get a signature before beginning pg. 18. Google Slide Plan-pg. 18 (This will be your rough draft for your google slide presentation.)

4 (Turn and Talk—time permitting)
Reflection Question What conditions from your research on other planets in the solar system might enable life to exist? (Turn and Talk—time permitting) Launch: Do the right thing even when no one is LOOKING!

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