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Journal Entry 3/6/17 Does the Mexican Constitution of 1917 (based on what you have read) create any real change in Mexico?

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Entry 3/6/17 Does the Mexican Constitution of 1917 (based on what you have read) create any real change in Mexico?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Entry 3/6/17 Does the Mexican Constitution of (based on what you have read) create any real change in Mexico?

2 Russian Revolution Create a timeline of events in Russia from 1905 – late 1920s (start with the 1905 Revolution, end at Stalin’s takeover & Trotsky’s exile) It needs to include the following information Key dates Key information Information regarding all of the people you researched for the Russian Revolution Connective pieces between each of the people/events It needs to include some element of color You can work in groups, but you need to turn in your own work Due tomorrow

3 Journal Entry 3/7/17 How do you write a prompt? Write a prompt based on your research/timeline for the Russian Revolution that could be an essay or argued

4 Russian Revolution Questions
Who is this person, what was his role in the Russian Revolution? Kerensky

5 Russian Revolution Questions
Who is this person, what was his role in the Russian Revolution? Kerensky

6 Russian Revolution Questions
What does this picture represent, explain the events here.

7 Russian Revolution Questions
Who is this person, what was his role in the Russian Revolution? Kerensky

8 Russian Revolution Questions
Who is this person, what was his role in the Russian Revolution? Kerensky



11 Russian Revolution Questions
Who is this person, what was his role in the Russian Revolution? Kerensky

12 Russian Revolution Questions
Who is this person, what was his role in the Russian Revolution? Kerensky

13 Russian Revolution Questions
Summarize the causes of the Russian Revolution

14 Bringing Russia back 1921 – Lenin wants to make the economy into a communist one State controls all decisions, takes all profits, distributes wages to all workers/farmers so all are paid equally Russia not ready for this – too chaotic Lenin allows farmers to sell surplus crops and keep the money Allows some small businesses to be independent, but government controls all big industry and banking

15 Differences between Marx and Lenin
Both agreed that history was all about class struggle Marx saw the struggle was between capitalists and workers Lenin saw peasants also in the struggle (also against capitalists) Marx thought workers would be so numerous that they could take over on their own Lenin thought workers weren’t capable of this, and needed strong leadership to do it

16 Recovery From Revolution
Despite the radical change in government, Russia recovers slowly in the 1920s By 1928, Russia was producing as much as it was before WW I Nationalism is a problem Many ethnic groups within Russia Lenin allows them to be self-governing within Russia, but really under Moscow’s control



19 USSR Lenin organizes Russia and the other self- governing republics into the USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Bolsheviks rename themselves the Communist Party 1924 – they create a constitution based on democratic ideals Reality: Communist Party controlled everything Lenin has a stroke and dies in 1924 Stalin succeeds him


21 Stalin Takes Power Lenin’s stroke Trotsky and Stalin – rivals
Stalin becomes Secretary of Communist Party (very powerful position) Before he dies, Lenin is worried “Comrade Stalin has concentrated enormous amounts of wealth in his hands….” Stalin in totally control by 1928 Trotsky goes into exile in 1929

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