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Anterior and posterior Spondylo of C1

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1 Anterior and posterior Spondylo of C1

2 Anterior and posterior Spondylo of C1 – absence of both ant. and post
Anterior and posterior Spondylo of C1 – absence of both ant. and post. tubercles

3 Kimmerly Anomaly – calcification of ligament at C1 seen on lateral view which runs from lat. Mass of C1 to post tubercle of C2


5 Radiograph, chest posteroanterior view, depicting bilateral Sprengel deformities.


7 Can tell that the cervical rib is on C7 because the TP’s of vertebra go down and out whereas Thoracic vertebra TP’s go up and out. Cervical rib on one side and hypertrophic TP on the other

8 Plain and simple

9 C6-C7 vertebral body block – These spinouses are NOT fused

10 Or C1-C2 Block

11 Atlanto-Axial Synostosis

12 Dysplastic Posterior elements – Funky cervical SP’s giving wide range of flexion and extension??????

13 Looks like cleft palate on open mouth

14 Congenital Hypertrophy of posterior arch of C1

15 Craniovertebral synostosis / Occiptialization – Failure of somite seperation b/t occiput and C1 ; block vertebra ; Circle that looks like an IVF at C1 level

Part of the nuclear migration family The growth ring is broken usually through axial loading

17 ?????????



20 Chunk missing on ant. body of C2 – No interrupted cortex and endplates are still parallel


22 CT study of skull at 2 separate levels – skull is supposed to have an outer table, inner table, and a diploic space; however this CT scan looks like it only has one layer

23 I guess cuz its not dark white and well defined as the others

24 Iliolumbar Lig Ossification

25 Multiple congenital blocked vertebrae




29 if posterior ring of C1 is narrowed and there is abnormal anterior           displacement of C1, less space is available for the cord;




33 Spondylolisthesis Ulman’s line is good, Georges line (posterior body line), Can grade this by Meyersding (not as good), A better method is Percentage method. Compression/ distraction is a lot better to see this than flexion/Extension. Flexion and extension will give you more false negatives. We are able to treat and relieve these pts pain and symptoms. 5 categories for this. The 2 are most used are DJD and stress fracture. When you have anter. You have either DJD or stress fractures, a oblique view will help you better dx. These things can heal, let rest and use SPECT- more active osteoblastic activity in the pars , MR – if shows active physiology (edema). Preferred method of measurement - is percent and use compression/distraction imaging. If they demonstrate intersegmental dysfunction and they allow you treat them normally.




37 Agenesis of the pedicle, the other is so white cause it is doing the job for 2 pedicles. Winking Owl Sign – either hyprplasia or agensis this slide is probable underdevelopment.

38 CT - stress has lead to the missing pedicle
CT - stress has lead to the missing pedicle. Normally find this by accident.



41 Lateral plain film view of the skull has a black hole in the top parietal area of the skull (bi-lateral and symmetrical

42 The bilateral symmetry of the black hole in the parietal foramen

43 6 metatarsals but only 5 toes

44 Acrosteolysis – fractures limited to hands & feet
“candy-lick appearance” – bone is tapered to a point

45 Failure of alignment b/t odontoid and body of C2?


47 1a single tp 1b - bilateral both tps measured of 19 2a - most clinical sig. Accessory joint not normal in location, strong association between herniated disc above and at level of segment 2b - pair of bilateral joints. 3a - has a bone bar, no chance of herniation 3b - pair of bone bars, just another example of block vertebra, no herniation 4 - bone bar and accessory joint, no herniation



50 Get pain when in extention.

51 Combination of local back pain w
Extension will hurt, is congenital. Thin disc and endplates and posterior endplates get closer together. Agenesis of posterior arch of sacrum and elongation of L5 L5 is the knife and the sacrum is the clasp

52 Pt will be normal


54 Can’t find picture Is there a mature growth plate.
The mature femur angle is 145 and is to large Coxa valga Is there a mature growth plate. The mature femur angle is 145 and is to large Coxa valga








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