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Year 12: Functional Areas

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1 Year 12: Functional Areas
Learning Objectives: To know how businesses are organised The steps to success for a Pass answer are: To know the main functional areas To understand the main responsibilities of these functional areas To know the interdependencies between functional areas. The challenge is: To evaluate how the success of a business can be attributed to its organisation and structure

2 Warren School How is the Warren School organised?

3 Organisational Structure
What is an organisational structure? What is an organisational chart? Why is it useful?

4 Different ways of structuring an organisation?

5 Ways of structuring Functional Geographic Product Customer
Process/equipment Matrix (projects)

6 Functional Activities
List the different departments:

7 Functional Activities
Finance HRM R&D Production Customer Service Marketing Sales IT

8 Organisational Structure
Create a presentation where you discuss the structure and organisation of Sainsburys. You must list and describe all functional areas. Create a presentation where you discuss the structure and organisation of Sainsburys. You must include: All areas, span of control, chain of command, relationships between areas Create a presentation where you analyse the structure and organisation of Sainsburys. You must include: All areas, span of control, chain of command, relationships between areas. You must evaluate how its structure contributes to its success.

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