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Programs of Study Design and Execution

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Presentation on theme: "Programs of Study Design and Execution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Programs of Study Design and Execution
College and Career Readiness Bureau Carrie Hernandez, Education Administrator

2 2017-2018 Perkins Application APPENDIX F & Next Step Plan(s)

3 Programs of Study A program of study is a comprehensive structured approach for delivering academic and career & technical education to prepare students for postsecondary education and career success. Goal: Students are college and career ready.

4 Appendix F – Program of Study
Use the Programs of Study (POS/NSP) template Minimum (non-duplicative) 3 course sequence for a POS Partnerships linking secondary with postsecondary Partnerships with local industry

5 What do you notice about the Program of Study (NSP)?
NSP Template directly aligns with Appendix F of the application Begins at the 9th grade and continues through postsecondary education Seamless sequence of courses with opportunities for articulated or dual credit Includes required academic courses as well as career pathway courses College and career readiness for all students Parental input Validation on an annual basis

6 POS Design Framework Programs of Study, at minimum, must:
Incorporate and align secondary and postsecondary education elements to include coherent and rigorous content Include academic and CTE content in a coordinated, non- duplicative progression of courses Offer opportunity for secondary students to acquire postsecondary credit Lead to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level, or an associate or baccalaureate degree

7 Components for a Rigorous Program of Study
Partnerships Professional development Accountability and evaluation systems Course sequences Articulation Agreements Guidance counseling and academic advisement Technical skill attainment Program promotion

8 Appendix F – Program of Study
Program Evaluation Tool

9 Apply Online

10 Application Appendices


12 Program of Study Layout
Outline the POS format Determine career / technical courses (minimum of 3) Offer required courses (determine appropriate options for Dual Credit) Select work-based learning experiences Identify and develop appropriate standards (industry standards, employability skills, and academic standards) Evaluate POS to identify gaps / overlaps

13 POS / NSP Template

14 POS / NSP Continued…

15 POS / NSP Continued…

16 Appendix F-Continued…
Labor market information high-skill, high-wage, high-demand Department of Workforce Solutions: Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) Local Industry Partnerships Work Based Learning Internships Community service projects Volunteer Work Industry Certifications Advisory Committee details – Minimum of 2 meetings per year

17 Appendix F- Continued…
NM Graduation Requirements Local District/Tribal Requirements Career Area/College Entrance Requirements Additional Academic Electives

18 Appendix F- Continued…
Academic & Career Enhancement Extra help strategies Postsecondary Program Common Core General Education Core Program Requirements Community College Course Requirements Electives Academic and Career Enhancement Options Addendum

19 Wrap – around Support Career counseling Financial aid counseling
Safety nets / interventions Job placement services Removal of barriers to success

20 Thank You! Carrie Hernandez, CCRB Education Administrator Mary Medina, CCRB Education Administrator

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