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Optimism- Believing that everything is going to work out well.

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Presentation on theme: "Optimism- Believing that everything is going to work out well."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimism- Believing that everything is going to work out well. Speculating- Making an investment that is risky but might bring big earnings.

2 The Federal Reserve failed to stop the banking collapse.
The Federal Reserve underestimated the problem. They kept lending money and did not help small banks, many of which closed.

3 A worldwide failure High ______ were imposed to keep people from spending money of foreign products. High tariffs discourage international trade. Tariff- a tax on imported goods.

4 Impacts of the Great Depression
With the crash of the stock market a large number of ___________ and ________ failed. With the crash of the stock market a large number of businesses and banks failed.

5 Impacts of the Great Depression
By 1932 ___% of the nation was unemployed. By % of the nation was unemployed. America’s _____ were among the hardest hit. America’s farmer’s were among the hardest hit.

6 The stock market has crashed and you’ve lost your job
The stock market has crashed and you’ve lost your job. What will you not be able to pay for? A large number of people are hungry and homeless.

7 Dust bowl On top of everything else a draught struck the heartland.
Draught- a period of time without rain. Without any rain the ground dried up and wind blew dust everywhere!!!

8 The New deal “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”
The name of FDR’s sweeping changes. The New Deal- within months new government programs were in designed to get people back to work.

9 5 major cornerstones of the new deal
Social Security- pay a little money every paycheck for your retirement at 65. Farm assistance program- price support for crops and low- interest loans to buy farms.

10 5 Major cornerstones of the New deal
Environmental improvement- new infrastructures and conservation programs change the landscape.

11 5 Major cornerstones of the New deal
Federal work programs- giving people jobs building bridges, dams, roads, etc. Labor Rights- set a national minimum wage, allowed for unions to be formed.

12 Relief, recovery, reform
The three big ideas behind Roosevelt’s New Deal? Offering help Rebuilding America Making sure a depression never happens again.

13 Up Next World War II !!!

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