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Oil Spills.

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Presentation on theme: "Oil Spills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oil Spills

2 What is an Oil Spill? Oil is the most common pollutant of water
3 million tonnes of oil pollute water each year Majority of Spills caused by run off and wastes from large cities and industries

3 Oil Floats Oil floats because it is less dense than water (0.88g/cm3)
Oil floating helps with water cleanup Oil floats, but moving surface water can cause the oil to MIX with the water

4 Environmental Impact: What affects do Oil Spills have on Animals?
Seabirds Strongly affected Ways to die from Oil Spill Feathers are covered with oil Hard to fly and escape predators Cleaning themselves Blinding them Most die unless humans intervene


6 Environmental Impact Killer Whales Sea Otters
Fur gets covered in oil which disrupts air bubbles Air bubbles for warmth Air bubbles to float Ways to die from Oil Spills Eat fish that swam in oil Plug the blowhole with oil and drown Becoming endangered Die from cold waters Placed in captivity for support Example: Gulf of Mexico Spill – video

7 Clean up Methods There are different methods that can be used to clean up oil spills on water. The choice of which method depends on Time Cost Environmental impacts HW-Complete the chart on clean up methods worksheet and answer q1-4

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