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Flipped Learning Define ‘Constitution’

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1 Flipped Learning Define ‘Constitution’
Come to lesson with a diagram of the Weimar Constitution Write down 3 bullet points, explaining what you an learn about how the Weimar Government worked based on the Constitution diagram you have found. Look at the flipped learning from others on your table and add to yours in green pen

2 Weimar Democracy

3 Key Terms Match the terms to the definitions- the table below is all mixed up: Word Definition Democracy In charge of the day-to day running of the government. Proportional Representation Belief that politicians such has Ebert had caused Germany’s defeat and signed the armistice when the German army could have fought on and won. Stab in the back A Small town in Germany where the new Government was initially set up as Berlin was too unstable Article 48 of the Constitution A system in which the leaders of a country are elected Weimar The head of state in Germany who appointed judges, the chancellor and controlled the armed forces Chancellor Allowed the President to rule the country directly in a time of crisis. President An electoral system where the parties get the proportion of seats in the Reichstag that they receive in votes e.g. 20% of the vote- 20% of the seats

4 Weimar Democracy- destined to fail?
It has been argued that Weimar Germany was destined to fail as: It was born out of defeat in World War I The Weimar politicians were forced to accept the terms of the T. of V. The stab in the back myth damaged the reputation of politicians Germany had no history of democracy There were both extreme Left and Right Wing groups which wanted to destroy Weimar Democracy Rate all of the above factors out of 5 in terms of how likely they were to make Weimar Democracy fail (5 very likely, 0 not at all)

5 Looking at your diagram and the detail on P63
What other aspects can you find in Weimar Democracy that might make it likely to fail. Add these to your list and score them out of 5

6 Left and Right Wing Summarise what these groups believe: Left wing
Why would these two groups dislike Weimar Democracy?

7 Threat from the Left: The Spartacists
Friedrich Ebert was Chancellor and then President of Weimar Germany he was the leader of SPD who were a moderate left wing party. More extreme left wing groups tried to seize power whilst he was in charge of Germany Read P64 Spartacists- Who? When? Events? Result? Kurt Eisner- Who? When? Events? Result? Communists in the Ruhr- Who? When? Events? Results? Ebert’s siding with the right-wing Freikorp and crushing of extreme left wing uprisings meant the moderate left and extreme left became enemies- this proves important later on

8 The Threat from the Right: The Kapp Putsch
Whilst Ebert had been able to use the Freikorps to fight the extreme-left (as the Freikorps were right-wing and hated Comunists) he couldn’t use them against Right Wing groups. Read P65: Kapp- Who? When? Events? Result? Political Assassinations- Ebert’s Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau a wealthy Jewish industrialist was assassinated by right-wing extremists but they received light sentences from the judge as did Hitler and other Nazis when they carried out an attempted coup in Munich. What does this suggest about the views of the German elites towards politics (left or right) and towards the Weimar Government?

9 Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg Wolfgang Kapp
Left wing Right Wing Name of group Leaders What did they want? What did they do? How did Ebert react? Spartacist Freikorps Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg Wolfgang Kapp Communist state Russian Rev 1917 Working class control Right wing military dictatorship Liked the Kaiser Try to take Berlin in January 1919 500,000 Tried to take over Berlin in March 1920 (5000 men) Got the Freikorps (ex soldiers) to put them down Persuaded the trade unions to stage a general strike, which brings Berlin to a halt; the revolt collapses.

10 Draw this graph in your book.
Title: How far did attacks from the Left and the Right threaten the Weimar Republic? Draw this graph in your book. Give each ‘wing’ a mark out of 10 (the higher the number, the higher the threat to the Weimar Republic) Then in the bar, explain your judgement 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Left Right

11 How far were threats from the Left and the Rights a threat to the Weimar Republic?

12 Source D A newspaper photograph showing Spartacists in Berlin, January These communist soldiers are shown carrying machine guns in the streets of Berlin during the Spartacist uprising. German newspapers at that time were not prevented from publishing photographs such as these, despite the impact on their readers. How useful is Source D for studying the political situation in Germany at the start of the Weimar Republic in 1919? Use Source D and your knowledge to explain your answer.

13 Revision Grids The last gradebook highlighted issues in terms of people remembering the content covered. The C boundary on the last gradebook was 13 For everyone but in particular those who got less than 13 on the last gradebook it is important that we start developing some revision materials. The revision grids include all the content from the specification. You fill them in using your knowledge, your exercise book

14 Revision Grids The revision grids include all the content from the specification. You fill them in using your knowledge, your exercise book, the textbook and internet research. You can either fill in a copy by hand or you can download a copy off the blog and complete it digitally (typing, cutting and pasting, importing pictures of your work). Support sessions on Fridays will be concentrating on helping you fill in these grids in preparation for the mock in December. It is important that you work on these grids outside lessons and keep going over the material to help you remember the content.

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