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The MICROMEGAS detector in CAST

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1 The MICROMEGAS detector in CAST
Theopisti Dafni IKP/Technische Universität-Darmstadt, Large TPC Workshop December 2004, Paris

2 Introduction :Axions-CAST MICROMEGAS in CAST
Outline: Introduction :Axions-CAST MICROMEGAS in CAST Description Results from 2003 data Improvements in 2004 Further steps Paris, 2004

3 The strong CP problem: Peccei-Quinn solution:
Axions PRIMAKOFF effect The strong CP problem: Theory redicts violation of CP in the strong interactions, that the experiment contradicts Peccei-Quinn solution: New symmetry; spontaneously broken (t scale fα) introduces axion K. van Bibber et al.,1989 Axion: pseudoscalar, neutral, practically stable -conversion probability: Paris, 2004

4 Cern Axion Solar Telescope
X-ray detector Transverse magnetic field (B) L TPC mM ±8° CCD+Telescope B = 9T L = 9,26m ±40° Paris, 2004

5 X-Ray Telescope (Focusing Device) + CCD
X-Ray Detectors: Detectors X-Ray Telescope (Focusing Device) + CCD TPC MICROMEGAS Signal: X-rays while tracking (magnet pointing to the Sun) over background Paris, 2004

6 Micromegas In situ… …and on the table Paris, 2004

7 Micromegas The CAST Prototype Magnet
4µm polypropylene Pumping group (required leak rate < 10-5 mbar l sec-1) 4µm aluminized polypropylene + strongback Read-out: 1st: Mesh 2nd: Strips Paris, 2004

8 CAST Prototype: FIRST time the x-y read-out used
Micromegas CAST Prototype: FIRST time the x-y read-out used ~70 mm ~310 mm Via of ~75 mm 192 charge collection strips for x 192 charge collection strips for y Paris, 2004

9 Micromegas : diff.pumping
Zone C Tube P = 10-6 mbar Zone A Detector P= 1 bar (Ar) Zone B In-between chamber P = 10-2 mbar P1 P2 A B C Gate valve Micromegas : diff.pumping 4µm poly 4µm aluminized poly+ strongback micromesh Clean materials (low natural radioactivity) : mechanical pieces out of plexiglas Paris, 2004

10 Mean value of 5.9keV peak vs time
Analysis 2003 data: Gas: 95%Ar+5%Isobutane Calibration 55Fe Mean value of 5.9keV peak vs time 5.9 keV ~ 16% (FWHM) Detector Stable 95Ar escape peak Paris, 2004

11 Conditions based on pulse shape and strips’ information:
Analysis 2003 data: Conditions based on pulse shape and strips’ information: X-Y strips Multiplicity Correlation between strip charge and Pulse charge Pulse rise time information Fiducial Dead time :~ 4% Software efficiency: SetA 3keV: 94.5% 6keV: 92% SetB 3keV: 96% 6keV: 97% SetC 3keV: 86% keV: 85.5% Paris, 2004

12 GOOD (Calibration) pulse
Analysis 2003 data: Bkg pulses Pulse info GOOD (Calibration) pulse Paris, 2004

13 Analysis 2003 data: In one look
Efficiency * Time (h) Bkg Level ** (cts/s/cm2/keV) Tracking Level** Set A 53% 431.4 6.03x10-5 43.8 6.26x10-5 Set B 54% 121 8.22x10-5 11.5 8.14x10-5 Set C 48.5% 251 7.96x10-5 21.8 7.67x10-5 *: This is the efficiency over the axion spectrum (hardware, software), including the change in the hardware efficiency mentioned. **: Between 1-7 keV Paris, 2004

14 Analysis 2003 data: Superimposing…
--Tracking (magnet aligned to the sun) --Background (any other time) Paris, 2004

15 Analysis 2003 data: Combined for the 3 sets
gαγγ(95% CL):1.51x10-10 GeV Paris, 2004

16 ga (95% C.L.) < 1.1610-10 GeV-1 CAST RESULTS 2003
Combined upper limit for 2003 data for all 3 detectors Submitted to PRL hep-ex/ Phase I: 1 year with vacuum in the magnet bores: m < 2.310-2 eV (during 2003 and 2004) Phase II 1 year with 4He gas pressure increased from mbar :m < 0.26 eV 1 year with 3He gas pressure increased from mbar : m < 0.83 eV Paris, 2004

17 2004 run: Improvements 2003 -- Very few dead strips (< 3 )
-- No cross talk between x-y strips -- New electronic cards, new decoding -- Completely new cabling Preliminary Efficiency @ 6 keV ~88 % @ 3 keV ~68 % 392 h 538.8 h Efficiency @ 6 keV ~93 % @ 3 keV ~89 % 2.2× 10-5 counts keV-1cm-2 s-1 5 × 10-5 counts keV-1cm-2 s-1 Paris, 2004

18 Use of X-ray focusing optics
MICROMEGAS PHASE II : Poly? mM Shielding (factor ~ 4 in background) (in collaboration with Zaragoza) Improved detector efficiency. --By using heavier gas: Xenon (to be studied in Saclay) --Optimization of the gas (to be studied in Athens) --Not geometrical factor in the window transmission due to strongback Improved intrinsic background (“golden strips”) --Shield the copper surfaces directly in contact with the detector (strips) with a thin layer of gold. Use of X-ray focusing optics Paris, 2004

Goal: Xrays focused on a diameter < 1 mm In collaboration with Livermore, NASA and Uni Chicago pump mM Tube VT3 gate Cold window Focusing Device Paris, 2004

20 MICROMEGAS on a telescope
At the PANTER facility in Munich in 2002 Paris, 2004

21 MICROMEGAS on a telescope Tests in Munich
6.5 keV γ + Panter telescope Beam of photons of different energies available keV X-ray detection threshold : 0.6 keV Energy resolution 6 keV Background (after off-line analysis): 3 × 10-6 counts keV-1cm-2 s-1 for 47% efficiency Paris, 2004

22 CAST end of phase I last November
Conclusions CAST end of phase I last November MICROMEGAS has successfully operated during 2003 and 2004 looking for axions 2003 result presented data under analysis Work on progress to face CAST phase II. Improvements on detector: telescope, shielding… Paris, 2004

23 And yet… Paris, 2004

24 This is the end, my friend
Paris, 2004

25 A focusing device for MICROMEGAS?
pump mM Tube VT3 gate Cold window Optics Paris, 2004

26 X-ray conversion efficiency
Dead time :~ 4% Software efficiency: SetA 3keV: 94.5% 6keV 92% SetB 3keV: 96% keV 97% SetC 3keV: 86% keV 85.5% Hardware efficiency: strongback transparency 95% Paris, 2004

27 Micromegas : Background
Most of the present background comes from cosmics and X-ray fluorescence (mainly Cu) Paris, 2004

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