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Wayne Bexton – Head of Energy Services

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Presentation on theme: "Wayne Bexton – Head of Energy Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wayne Bexton – Head of Energy Services

2 Project Overview “A Smart Energy Management System integrating Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles” September 2017 to March 2021 Funding €918,684 Interreg NWE £193,497 Innovate UK NCC match (EDF, GUL, Fleet Replacement)

3 Project Overview 9 partners in 6 countries Led by City of Arnhem
Range of Partners (inc. Leicester City Council) Transport/Energy relationship

4 Project Overview

5 Components 40 battery electric V2G compatible vans and cars

6 Components Up to 40 V2G bi-directional charging units

7 Components Installation 89kW of solar PV on the Tamar Building, 30kW on the Tyne Building and 63 kW on the Humber Building

8 Components Procurement and installation of a 378kW/678kWh lithium Ion battery

9 Components A purpose built ‘Interoperable Energy Management System’ (iEMS).

10 Aims and objectives Aim: To develop and test the iEMS Objectives:
Maximise use of locally generated renewable energy in office buildings and when charging ULEVs in order to reduce running costs and carbon emissions Reduce grid peak demand by using vehicles for short-term storage, feeding residual charge back into the grid as required Explore other financial benefits associated with large scale and aggregated battery storage

11 Aims and objectives Objectives
Maximise use of renewable energy generation, no export to grid Supply building with RE Charge vehicles with RE Store any excess RE in stationary battery for later use (least efficient option, 83%?) 2. Reduce energy bills Avoid DUoS, TNUoS, Capacity Mechanism charges (4-7pm) If RE not available, make use of “cheap” night tariff 3. Generate revenue Use an aggregator to access Capacity Mechanism/STOR/FFR/Demand turn up contracts

12 Any Questions?

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