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Internet Technical Committee Meeting IEEE Globecom 2013 December 10, 2013 Atlanta, USA Jaime Lloret Mauri (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) Stefano.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Technical Committee Meeting IEEE Globecom 2013 December 10, 2013 Atlanta, USA Jaime Lloret Mauri (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) Stefano."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Technical Committee Meeting IEEE Globecom 2013 December 10, 2013 Atlanta, USA Jaime Lloret Mauri (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) Stefano Secci (University Pierre and Marie Curie, France) Dijiang Huang (Arizona State University) ITC Meeting, December 20131

2 Meeting Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Approval of ICC 2013 minutes. 3. 2013 ITC Best Paper Award announcement 4. Conference updates – Global Internet Symposium 2013, 2014 – ICC and GLOBECOM 2014, 2015 – Endorsed 2013 conferences and statistics 5. Updates from Special Interest Groups and Standards Activities 6. Publication activities 7. ITC roles nominations. 8. ITC recertification status 9. Open Discussions and Other Business 10. Adjourn ITC Meeting, June 20132

3 1. introductions Structure: IEEE, ComSoc, and TAC IEEE IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) – One of the 38 societies of IEEE ComSoc Technical Activities Council (TAC) – Members: VP Technical Activities, TAC Vice- chair, TC Chairs and Vice-chairs 24 TCs, 14 Emerging Tech. Subcommittees, 1 Tech. Sub Committee: Internet TC is a joint tech. committee of ComSoc and ISOC ITC Meeting, June 20133

4 1. ITC Officers Officers (2011-2013): – Chair: Jaime Lloret Mauri (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) – Vice-Chair: Stefano Secci (University Pierre and Marie Curie, France) – Secretary: Dijiang Huang (Arizona State University) Elected in Nov. 2013 Previous Chairs (1995-2011): – Xiaoming Fu (2011-2-13), Deep Medhi (2007-2011), Markus Hoffman (2004- 2007), Joe Touch (2000-2004), Henning Schulzrinne (1995-2000) ITC Meeting, June 20134

5 1. ITC Community ITC Meeting, June 20135 670 Subscribing: send an email to and type in the body of the message "join itc FirstName FamilyName

6 ITC Meeting, June 20136 2. Approval of ITC ICC13 meeting Minutes

7 3. 2012 ITC Best Paper Award A new award recently set up by ITC 2013-2014 Committee – Deep Medhi (UMKC) - Chair; Jorg Liebeherr (U. Toronto); Lixin Gao (UMass) Eligibility – Only papers that have been published in conferences held during the preceding calendar year, which have been endorsed by the Internet Technical Committee of IEEE Communications Society, are eligible for the ITC best paper award Currently the committee is processing on the nominations ITC Meeting, June 20137

8 Newly started activity of Internet TC in 2013 A committee was set up/appointed; initial members – Deep Medhi (Chair), Univ of Missouri-Kansas City – Jorg Liebeherr, University of Toronto – Lixin Gao, University of Massachusetts 3. 2012 ITC Best Paper Award

9 ITC BPA 2012 - Guideline Eligibility: Papers that have been published in conferences held during the preceding calendar year, which have been endorsed by the Internet Technical Committee of IEEE Communications Society, are eligible for the ITC best paper award.

10 3. List of Internet TC endorsed Conferences in 2012 IEEE Global Internet Symposium 2012 (held in conjunction with INFOCOM) IEEE ICC 2012 - NGNI Symposium (Note: only this Symposium!) IEEE GLOBECOM 2012 - NGNI Symposium (Note: only this Symposium!) IEEE CloudNet 2012 International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) 2012 ICCCN 2012 NGI 2012 LATINCOM 2012 NOF 2012 CNSM 2012 NETGAMES 2012

11 3. Internet TC Best Paper 2012 The committee sought nominations (including self- nomination) The committee did their own homework, going through papers published The best paper award goes to: – Pull versus Push Mechanism in Large Distributed Networks: Closed Form Results Wouter Minnebo (University of Antwerp, Belgium); Benny Van Houdt (University of Antwerp, Belgium) Paper appeared in 2012 International Teletraffic Congress

12 4. Conference Update IEEE INFOCOM Global Internet Symposiums IEEE ICC & GLOBECOM 2014, 2015 IEEE CLOUDNET 2013 & 2014 Endorsed conferences – (since GLOBECOM 2012): ITC 2013, NOF 2013 – Statistics (since Nov. 2011): TCS applications: 87 ITC-endorsed with TCS: 20 Rate: 23% – 2012: itc, ngi, icccn, medhocnet, latincom, cloudnet, cnsm, nof, netgames, iccve; 2013: saconet, wmnc, icufn, itc, medhocnet, nof, sdn4fns, netgames) preliminary endorsement but not TCS yet/did not show up on – pending endorsements: mobile cloud, wmnc ITC Meeting, June 201312

13 4. IEEE INFOCOM Global Internet Symposium New rule of the composition of the GISC (GI Steering Committee) – The ITC chair acts as GISC chair – one from each of recent 3-4 editions of GI, considering the institution/country/continent diversity New GISC – Xiaoming Fu (U Goettingen) – Marcelo Bagnulo Braun (UC3M) – Tilman Wolf (UMass) – Colin Perkins (U.Glasgow) – Joerg Ott (Aaalto U) 13 Thank former GISCs contributions: – Joe Touch (USC/ISI) – Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia U) – Dinesh Verma (IBM Research) – Georg Carle (TU Munich) – Kevin Almeroth (UCSB)

14 4. 16 th IEEE INFOCOM Global Internet Symposium 16 th Global Internet Symposium at IEEE INFOCOM 2013 – April 14-19, 2013 - Turin, Italy – TPC co-chairs: Marcelo Bagnulo Braun (UC3M), Rod Van Meter (Keio U.) – 28 submissions, 13 accepted, 20 attendees (Note: GI was on Friday + high registration fee) – Report: ITC Meeting, June 201314

15 4. 17 th IEEE INFOCOM Global Internet Symposium 17 th Global Internet Symposium at IEEE INFOCOM 2014 – April 27 – May 2, 2014 – Toronto, Canada – TPC co-chairs: Jun Li (University of Oregon, USA) and Rade Stanojevic (Telefonica Research, Spain) ITC Meeting, June 201315

16 4. IEEE GLOBECOM & ICC Nominations – refresh on the procedure – About the co-chair position: each symposium will have its own technical program committee that is managed by a set of 2-4 Symposium Co-Chairs. The co-chairs retain full responsibility for all aspects of the symposium technical program, including the shaping of its technical program, managing the review process, selecting accepted papers, and organizing its sessions. Symposium co-chairs are highly respected leaders in their fields of expertise, with outstanding records of IEEE publications and proven experience in the peer review process. – Strongest profiles will be nominated so as to increase selection chances – Send nominations to – Currently receiving for ICC & GC 16 ITC Meeting, June 201316

17 4. IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 Nominations – Next Generation Networking Yevgeni Koucheryavy Tampere University of Technology – Communications Software and Services Antonios Argyriou University of Thessaly Selected Areas in Communications Symposium Cloud Networks Track – Track Chair: Stefano Secci, University Pierre and Marie Curie, France Paper submission due, April 1, 2014 ITC Meeting, June 201317

18 4. IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 Sent Nominations (in Nov. 2013) – Dr. Roberto Rojas-Cessa (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA) for a candidate for NGNI symposium co-chair; – Dr. Rui L. Aguiar (University of Aveiro, Portugal) for a candidate for CSSM symposium co-chair; – Dr. Jun Bi (Tsinghua University, China) as another symposium co-chair As ITC has been long actively involved in cloud related activities (e.g., the new IEEE ComSoc CloudNet conference) we proposed a special area track proposal on Cloud Networks : – José Neuman de Souza, Federal University of Ceará, Brazil ITC Meeting, June 201318

19 4. IEEE ICC 2014/2015 ICC14 Next Generation Networking and Internet TPC co-chairs – Mohammed Atiquzzaman, University of Oklahoma, USA – Konstantinos Samdanis, NEC Europe, Germany – Antonio Pescapè, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy (Nominated by ITC) ICC15 Sent nominations (awaiting response) – Next Generation Networking and Internet Shiwen Mao, Auburn University, USA – Communications Software and Services Periklis Chatzimisios, Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece ITC Meeting, June 201319

20 4. IEEE CLOUDNET 2013 IEEE CLOUDNET 2013 – November 11-13, 2013 – Hilton Hotel, San Francisco Downtown, USA – ITC representatives: Deep Medhi as General Chair, Xiaoming Fu as TPC co-chair, Dijiang Huang and several more Conference Status – 21 accepted full papers from 75 submission (28% acceptance for full papers) – Added 10 short papers later

21 4. IEEE CLOUDNET 2014/2015 CLOUDNET14 to be held in Luxemburg November 11-13, 2013 – Hilton Hotel, San Francisco Downtown, USA – TPC Chairs Samee U. Khan, North Dakota State University, U.S.A. Lizhe Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China El-Ghazali Talbi, INRIA, France – ITC representatives: Stafano Secci, Receiving suggestions for CloudNet 2015 – Canada, Rio, Lausanne, Prague, USA, or Asia

22 4. ITC 2013 ITC 2013 – September 10-12, 2013 – Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, California – 32 full papers accepted out of 91 submissions, 7 (4 pages) short papers – ITC representatives: Kurt Tutschku, Deep Medhi and Prosper Chemouil ITC Meeting, June 201322

23 4. ITC 2014 October 21-23 2014 Seattle, Washington USA – Abstract March 3, 2014 – Full paper submission March 10, 2014 – Author notification: May 21, 2014 Final manuscript due: July 14, 2014 ITC representatives: – Kurt Tutschku, Deep Medhi and Prosper Chemouil ITC Meeting, June 201323

24 4. NOF 2013/2014 NoF 2013: Oct. 23-25, 2013 – Pohang University, South Korea – 53 submissions. Mostly from Asia and Europe. The most recurrent topics of submitted papers : – Technologies for Future Internet, Network protocols and architectures, Cloud computing and network virtualization, Security, trust and privacy challenges, SDN – ITC representatives: Prosper Chemouili, Antonio Pescapè, Stefano Secci Receiving suggestions for NOF 2014 locations ITC Meeting, June 201324

25 4. NETGAMES 2013/2014 Denver, Colorado, USA, December 9th-10th, 2013 – ITC representatives: Chris Gauthier Dickey, Maha.Abdallah, Carsten Griwodz, Wei Tsang Ooi NetGames 2014, it will take place on December 4-5, 2014, in Nagoya, Japan. ITC Meeting, June 201325

26 4. SDN4FNS 2013 For SDN4FNS (Software Defined Networks for Future Networks and Services) 2013, it was an exploratory workshop financially sponsored by the IEEE Future Directions, framed within the IEEE Software Defined Ecosystem (SDE), see Initiative-PaperPresentation.pdf Initiative-PaperPresentation.pdf 32 papers accepted out of 48-49 submitted. The high acceptance rate is due to the fact that this is the first event. Next events are supposed to be more selective. ITC Meeting, June 201326

27 5. Special Interest Groups -ITC gives importance to cutting-edge research areas opening Special Interest Groups and supporting related activities such as: -Special Issues, -Conferences, Workshops. -Large research projects, Standardization. -If you are active on any of the active SIG area, please get in contact with the ITC representative to allow listing and reporting. -Stay tuned on : ITC Meeting, June 201327

28 5. ITC Special Interesting Group (SIG) -Cloud Networking -Resp.: Jose M. Alcaraz Calero, Scotland -Location ID Separation (LIS) – SIG website now online! -Resp.: Luigi Iannone, UK -Internet of Things -Resp.: Aguiar Rui Luís, Portugal -Information-Centric Networking – SIG website now online! -Resp.: Mayutan Arumaithurai, Germany -More information, see - ITC Meeting, June 201328

29 5. Call for new Special Interest Groups -New propositions are welcome! -A SIG is generally opened -on a very recent subjects in Internet-working, -if there is a clear activity related to the subject, -Conferences, workshops, special issues, standardization, large research projects, etc -in which ITC members are involved and willing to report. -Please send propositions to ITC Meeting, June 201329

30 5. ITC Activities on Standards -IEEE ComSoc Standards Board Representative: Periklis Chatzimisios, ATEITHE, Greece 2012 Report (the 2013 one is upcoming): -ISOC/IRTF Representative: Luigi Iannone, Telecom ParisTech, France 2013 wrap-up report (new): -Activities include: Crypto Forum RG, DTNRG, ICCRG, ICNRG, SDNRG; NCRG, NMRG, RRG -Applied Networking Research Prize (, formed in 2011) ITC Meeting, June 201330

31 6. Publication activities -Special Issues proposals. -New Journal. -Internet TC Newsletter. -Other proposals? ITC Meeting, June 201331

32 6. Computer Networks SI on Communications and Networking in the Cloud Guest editors: Stefano Secci, Tarik Taleb, Raouf Boutaba 55 valid submissions 13 accepted Publication foreseen for Q1/2 2014 ITC Meeting, June 201332

33 7. ITC roles nominations. ITC Meeting, June 201333 Current ITC appointed roles: – ISOC/IRTF Liaison ITC representative: Luigi Iannone (Telecom ParisTech, France). – IEEE ComSoc Committee on Cloud Communications and Networking ITC representative: Dijiang Huang (Arizona State University) José Maria Alcaraz Caleiro (University of the West of Scotland, UK). – IEEE ComSoc Standards board ITC liason: Periklis Chatzimisios (Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece).

34 8. ITC recertification Every 3 years We sent recert materials to TAC in February Len Cimini (VP- Technical Activities): no major issues with our TC; ITC Meeting, June 201334

35 8. ITC Recertification Recommended by TCRC Recently: – The Technical Committees Recertification Committee (TCRC) supports recertifying the Internet TC. This TC, a joint ComSoc/ISOC effort, has been very active, especially in conferences. The TCRC will make a formal recommendation to the BoG at Globecom. There are some minor issues that we suggest you address, if possible, in the next couple of weeks. ITC Meeting, June 201335

36 8. ITC Recertification WEBSITE – The website is well-done, up-to-date, and provides a lot of useful information for members. CHARTER/POLICIES & PROCEDURES – No issues. STANDARDS/INDUSTRY – No issues. The TCRC commends the TC on its level of activity in standards. COLLABORATION – No issues. ITC Meeting, June 201336

37 8. ITC Recertification MEMBERSHIP – The TCRC understands that meetings are held by Internet, and so meeting participation is not an active membership criterion. The TCRC suggests that the TC could define other criteria for defining active membership besides face-to-face meeting participation. Please define criteria for an active member, and provide a count of the active members. – Suggestions? A proposition to be done closely on the ML ITC Meeting, June 201337

38 8. ITC Recertification CONFERENCES – 1.) Please be aware that TCs do not sponsor conferences. ComSoc sponsors these; the TCs endorse or organize. Please change the wording where necessary (e.g., page 1 of the P&Ps). DONE – 2.) There is a form for applying as a volunteer for Publications and Conferences. Please see volunteers. volunteers PUBLICATIONS – The TCRC recommends that the TC investigate opportunities for new publications within the scope of the TC (possibly open access or internet based). – Suggestions? Under consideration a possible journal ITC Meeting, June 201338

39 8. ITC Recertification AWARDS – 1.) The information on the best paper award on the activities page appears to be incomplete. Please provide as much information as possible. DONE – 2.) The TC should consider career and service awards in addition to the best paper award. WILL BE LAUNCHED IN 2014 Suggestions? ITC Meeting, June 201339

40 8. ITC Recertification OTHER – 1.) Special Interest Groups are interesting, and could be a good approach for attracting industry members. The TC should have a link on the homepage to the SIG page. PARTIALLY ALREADY ONE – 2.) It would be useful to have a link on the Internet Society website which recognizes the relationship to this TC. Please try to do this in the near future. ON GOING – 3.) Potential technical issues for attention: the role of (Internet based) social media in society, the role of the Internet in software defined networks, and the role of Internet publications. Suggestions? ITC Meeting, June 201340

41 9. Other Business Do you have any planned/ongoing activities related to ITC? Do you like to contribute to ITC (and ComSoc in general)? Join us: – Join the mail list by sending an email to and type in the body of the message "join itc FirstName FamilyName – Participate/raise discussions in the list – Provide your inputs and help ITC Meeting, June 201341

42 10. Adjourn ITC Meeting, June 201342 Next ITC meeting: IEEE ICC 2014 June 10-14, 2014 Sydney Austrilia

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