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Meet the Teacher Welcome to Primary 6a.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Teacher Welcome to Primary 6a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Teacher Welcome to Primary 6a

2 Our Class Charter: Can you find our class charter?
Neilston is a Rights Respecting school. In P6a the children discussed the rights they felt were most important to them and created an agreement for everyone in the class. Can you find our class charter?

3 Our Class Representatives
Pupil Council: Botan Eco/ Fairtrade: Calum Rights Respecting School: Niamh Junior Road Safety Officer: Beth

4 Weekly Class Rewards Weekly Class Rewards
Golden Time House Points DoJo Points SUPERSTAR at Assembly (Rights Respecting School) Weekly Class Rewards

5 Homework, Spelling, Reading
Our Weekly Timetable: 10.40- 10.55 12.35- 1.35 Monday Literacy Homework, Spelling, Reading Interval Mathematics Lunch ICT with Mrs Akram  FRENCH Tuesday Writing P.E. (H.W.B.) IDL Wednesday R.M.E. Outdoor P.E  I.D.L. Thursday Literacy  I.C.T.  P.E.(H.W.B.) Music    Friday P.S.D. Assembly H.W.B./P.S.D P.S.D Golden Time

6 P.E. In P6 Indoor P.E: Tuesday afternoon Thursday morning Kit: Shorts, polo/T-shirt, sandshoes or indoor trainers Outdoor P.E: Wednesday morning Kit: Tracksuit trousers/ leggings, outdoor trainers and waterproof jacket

7 Intended to build independence and develop good routines 
Homework in Primary 6 Intended to build independence and develop good routines  Regular use of the homework diary to Copy down homework in class Tick items as they are completed Plan own time effectively Read comments from teacher Pass on messages from home Homework is issued on a Monday. Spelling is due in on Thursday. Maths: is due in on Friday Reading: Tasks assigned weekly

8 In Maths we are learning about…
Fractions Addition and Subtraction Volume Multiplication and Division Time Mental strategies Problem solving strategies Using mathematical language

9 In Literacy we are learning to…
Identify the main idea and supporting details of a story Summarise a text Retell a story Use paragraphs Up Level our work using VCOP Debate Improve our handwriting and presentation Self and peer assess our work.

10 The Scottish Parliament
Social Studies I can describe the main features of a democracy and discuss the rights and responsibilities of citizens in Scotland SOC 2-17a The Scottish Parliament To extend my mental map and sense of place, I can interpret information from different types of maps and am beginning to locate key features within Scotland, UK, Europe or the wider world SOC 2-14a Europe

11 Science We are learning about LIGHT
By exploring reflections, the formation of shadows and the mixing of coloured lights, I can use my knowledge of the properties of light to show how it can be used in a creative way. SCN 2-11b We are learning about LIGHT

12 Strategies and activities being used to support Health and Wellbeing 
Mindfulness – Meditation, breathing and art Bounce Back – Learning about resilience Daily running – Keeping fit Go Noodle - All of the above 

13 What can you do at home to support your child?
Check and sign homework diaries and reading markers weekly. Encourage your child to prepare for each day at school e.g. P.E kit, homework, letters etc. Encourage your child to bring in and share achievements from home. Please use the homework diaries to communicate any issues or concerns.

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