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Editing Invitation Discovering Sentence Fragments Day 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Editing Invitation Discovering Sentence Fragments Day 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Editing Invitation Discovering Sentence Fragments Day 1

2 Excerpt from Enemy Pie by Derek Munson
Invitation to Notice It should have been a perfect summer. My dad helped me build a tree house in our backyard. My sister was at camp for three whole weeks. And I was on the best baseball team in town. It should have been a perfect summer. But it wasn’t. Day 1 Excerpt from Enemy Pie by Derek Munson

3 Excerpt from Enemy Pie by Derek Munson
Invitation to Notice It was all good until Jeremy Ross moved into the neighborhood, right next door to my best friend Stanley. I did not like Jeremy Ross. He laughed at me when he struck me out in a baseball game. He had a party on his trampoline, and I wasn’t even invited. Day 1 Excerpt from Enemy Pie by Derek Munson

4 Invitation to Notice Day 1
Shhhh! We are searching for all the parts of a sentence! Because guess what? If a sentence is missing the… Subject OR the… Predicate Then it is not called a sentence! We call it a fragment! Day 1

5 Excerpt from Enemy Pie by Derek Munson
Invitation to Compare I did not like Jeremy Ross. We do not like. Writing homework. School lunch is always horrible, except on cheesy bread day. Fourth grade will be. A totally awesome year for us. Day 2 Excerpt from Enemy Pie by Derek Munson

6 Invitation to Search Day 2
Get your own writing ready. How will you search today? Search by yourself in your writing for fragments! Help a partner search together for fragments! Work with your group and search someone’s writing for fragments! If you find one, fix it with a SUBJECT and PREDICATE! Day 2

7 Excerpt from Enemy Pie by Derek Munson
Invitation to Imitate Create your own complete sentences! You can use the pattern below or try your own: It should have been a perfect summer. Have a partner search your writing for missing parts! Share your sentences! Day 2 Excerpt from Enemy Pie by Derek Munson

8 Excerpt from Staying Up from Write Source
Invitation to Edit: We Try It Together! Staying Up (1) Most nights, Lauren had trouble. (2) Falling asleep. (3) She didn’t mind staying up late, but she didn’t like being the last one awake. (4) The dark, creaky house. (5) Really scared her. (6) So every night at bedtime, Lauren would say to her parents, “Don’t go to sleep before I do.” What is the correct way to write sentences 1 and 2? Most nights. Lauren had trouble falling asleep. Most nights, Lauren had trouble falling asleep. Most nights, Lauren. Had trouble falling asleep. Make no change Day 3 Excerpt from Staying Up from Write Source

9 Excerpt from Staying Up from Write Source
Invitation to Edit: We Try It Together! Staying Up (1) Most nights, Lauren had trouble. (2) Falling asleep. (3) She didn’t mind staying up late, but she didn’t like being the last one awake. (4) The dark, creaky house. (5) Really scared her. (6) So every night at bedtime, Lauren would say to her parents, “Don’t go to sleep before I do.” What is the correct way to write sentences 4 and 5? The dark, creaky house really. Scared her. The dark , creaky. House really scared her. The dark, creaky house really scared her. No change is needed. Day 3 Excerpt from Staying Up from Write Source

10 Excerpt from Staying Up from Write Source
Invitation to Edit: You Try It! Staying Up (7) One day in the summer, Aunt Blanche came to visit. (8) Aunt Blanche was a history teacher. (9) She loved to read books and talk about the Civil War. (10) Whenever Lauren asked Aunt Blanche to play a game or go swimming, Blanche would just say, “Maybe,” wrinkle her nose, and go back to reading her book. What change, if any, needs to be made to sentence 7? Delete the comma after summer Change Aunt to aunt Change visit to visiting Sentence 5 needs no change. Day 4 Excerpt from Staying Up from Write Source

11 Excerpt from Staying Up from Write Source
Invitation to Edit: You Try It! Staying Up (7) One day in the summer, Aunt Blanche came to visit. (8) Aunt Blanche was a history teacher. (9) She loved to read books and talk about the Civil War. (10) Whenever Lauren asked Aunt Blanche to play a game or go swimming, Blanche would just say, “Maybe,” wrinkle her nose, and go back to reading her book. What change, if any, needs to be made to sentence 9? Insert a comma after talk Change She to she Insert a period after books Sentence 7 should not be changed. Day 4 Excerpt from Staying Up from Write Source

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