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What is an Ionic Bond?. Chapter 15 Ionic Bonding and Ionic Compounds DIRECTIONS: COPY ONLY THE UNDERLINED INFO!

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Presentation on theme: "What is an Ionic Bond?. Chapter 15 Ionic Bonding and Ionic Compounds DIRECTIONS: COPY ONLY THE UNDERLINED INFO!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15 Ionic Bonding and Ionic Compounds DIRECTIONS: COPY ONLY THE UNDERLINED INFO!

2 What is an Ionic Bond?

3 Ionic Bond Bond formed between a metal and nonmetal.

4 Why do atoms bond? Atoms bond in order to acquire a full set of valence electrons. Most of the time this is 8 . This is known as the octet rule. Atoms will gain, lose or share in order to attain a full set of electrons

5 Valence Electrons The electrons responsible for the chemical properties of atoms are those in the outer energy level. These electrons are called the valence electrons. Valence electrons - The electrons in the outer energy level

6 Electron Configuration

7 Keeping Track of Electrons
Atoms in the same column... Have the same valence electrons. LABEL! 

8 X Electron Dot diagrams A way of keeping track of valence electrons.
How to write them? Write the symbol. Put one dot for each valence electron Don’t pair up until they have to (Hund’s rule) X

9 The Electron Dot diagram for Nitrogen
Nitrogen has 5 valence electrons. First we write the symbol. N Then add 1 electron at a time to each side. Until they are forced to pair up.

10 Write electron dot diagrams:
Na Mg C O

11 Electron Configurations for Cations
Metals lose electrons to attain noble gas configuration. They make positive ions (cations) If we look at the electron configuration, it makes sense to lose electrons: Na 1s22s22p63s1 1 valence electron Na1+ 1s22s22p6 noble gas configuration

12 Electron Configurations for Anions
Nonmetals lose electrons to attain noble gas configuration. They make negative ions (anions) If we look at the electron configuration, it makes sense to lose electrons: F 1s22s22p valence electrons F-1 1s22s22p6 noble gas configuration

13 Properties of Ionic Compounds
A regular repeating arrangement of ions in the solid: this is known as a lattice. Structure is rigid. High melting points

14 Crystalline structure

15 Do they Conduct? Conducting electricity is allowing charges to move.
In a solid, the ions are locked in place. Ionic solids are insulators. When melted, the ions can move around. Therefore, they have the ability to conduct electricity Ionic Compounds dissolved in water conduct

16 Completing the Circuit


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