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KING MIDAS Gold is so cool…. Well, it was BY: PAIGE DUTTON.

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Presentation on theme: "KING MIDAS Gold is so cool…. Well, it was BY: PAIGE DUTTON."— Presentation transcript:

1 KING MIDAS Gold is so cool… Well, it was BY: PAIGE DUTTON

2 intro In my opinion, King Midas is the best Greek myth ever!! It is very interesting and it is not like any other story. Out of, Pandora's box, Hercules and Achilles I like King Midas the Best! In this story, there Is a good problem that makes You want to read more. There Is also a great solution that Raps up the whole story. I Think Everyone should read it!!

3 my favorite part! One of my favorite parts was whenever he touched anything, it would turn to a brilliant shade of gold! He kept on forgetting that when he does touch something, it would turn to gold! Soon his whole garden, trees, grass and even his cat and dog and daughter! He even couldn’t eat or drink because his lips would make the food or liquid turn right into gold! I almost felt bad for the king after a while. I would NOT like to have everything turn into gold for many reasons! This makes the story cool, and helps Support my opinion on the story. This is like a goblet that King Midas tried to use but turned to gold.

4 changes Another reason I like king Midas is because how much he changed from the beginning to the end. In the beginning he only cared about himself and never gave anyone any of his gold even though he had plenty. No one was happy.  Then, in the end, he gave people all of his gold and ran a way better town. Everyone in the town was happy!! 

5 wrapping it up (the conclusion)
As you can see, King Midas is my favorite myth for many different reasons. One reason is by how much the king changed from the beginning to the end and the other reason is that whatever he touched turned into gold. Those 2 reasons are why the myth King Midas is my favorite out of the 3 other Greek myths.

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