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Welcome from DAC Beachcroft h Gibraltar Insurance Institute Seminar

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome from DAC Beachcroft h Gibraltar Insurance Institute Seminar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome from DAC Beachcroft h Gibraltar Insurance Institute Seminar
Craig Godding - Head of Motor Emma Fuller - Head of Credit Hire

2 Agenda h Personal injury ongoing reforms The Briggs review
Credit hire and the unintended consequences of reform Credit repair and credit hire fraud Motor case law update

3 Personal Injury ongoing reforms

4 The Autumn Statement Proposed removal of the right to General Damages for “minor whiplash” injuries Suggested raising of the Small Claims limit for injury claims to £5000

5 Removal of right to GDs What is a “minor” whiplash injury?
Med Co definition – not tested Wide enough to fulfil Government’s objectives? Linked to symptoms? Tariff? Legislation required Timetable / EU referendum Impact on claims inflation / classification

6 Increase in Small Claims limit
Small Claims limit reviewed in 2013 (Transport select committee) and no uplift proposed Goes beyond index linked increase (circa £2,000) Rise of litigants in person Entry into market of unregulated entities / CMC’s?

7 Extension of fixed costs
Rupert Jackson report 28 Jan 2016 Limited to cases up to £250,000? Clinical negligence to lead the way? “Balkanisation”? No requirement for legislation Next steps

8 Med Co MoJ objective - an “improved, robust system for medial evidence which will deter unnecessary or speculative claims” Tranche 1- Oct 2014, Tranche 2 – April 2015 Problems with Tranche 2 – allocation and accreditation MoJ response to call for evidence - 24 March 2016

9 The Briggs Review

10 The Briggs Review More than £700m set aside
4 year implementation (IT successes?) Full electronic court with online submissions and adjudication Increased use of Case Officers Rationalisation of the court structure

11 Implementation to early 2018 End of Parliamentary session
Reform Implementation timeline 2016 2017 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec PI Damages and Small Claims Track limit Consultation Legislation Implementation Credit Hire Consultation Implementation to early 2018 Briggs Review Consultation Final Report Implementation to 2020 Multi Track Fixed Costs CJC Activity MOJ Consultation Implementation to Oct 2017 EU Referendum End of Parliamentary session

12 Credit hire and the unintended consequences of reform
- a brief history - GTA/ rate review - proposed reform and impact ‘Squeezed balloon’ - credit repair - credit hire fraud - where else………                                       

13 Credit hire

14 Key Activity Figures 26 Number of insurers subscribing to the ABI GTA
54 Number of CHOs subscribing to the ABI GTA 120 Number of trading CHOs according to CHO website 1,000 + Number of trading CHOs according to DAC B 167,000,000 The cost of Credit Hire in the UK in £s in 2014 75,000,000 The cost of Credit Hire Fraud in the UK in £s in 2014 Suggested remedies for controlling cost by the CMA

15 Credit Hire Progress Report
February 2014 £30m cut from CC estimate ? Insurance fraud taskforce output October 2012 Referral to CC April – July 2013 Extension of RTA portal; reduction in fixed costs; FRCs in FT litigation May- June 2015 GTA rate review December 2012 Singh v Yaqubi ? Future of GTA November 2013 Salat v Barutis September 2014 CMA final report released ? Rates investigation 2013 2014 2015 December 2012 Drive Assist go into administration December 2013 CC Recommendations released February 2015 Stevens v Equity ? Government reform February 2013 Auto Focus Appeals commence Dickinson v Tesco April 2014 CC becomes CMA ? Ongoing appeals November 2012 Plans for GTA Portal announced at CHO AGM July 2013 Opoku v Tintas March 2014 Zurich v Umerji ? Portal

16 Attempts to change the environment……

17 Collaborative approach….

18 Proposed reform and impact

19 ‘Squeezed Balloon’

20 What can change post reform???

21 Credit repair- the figures
5 Number of days credit repair periods have increased by 13 Average credit hire period 16 Average credit hire period where credit repair features 20% Rise on credit repair rates, parts and total credit repair claim costs. 23% Increase in Helphire credit repair costs 28% More claims where roadworthy vehicles have been stripped of parts at the outset of the period £300 Helphire higher than other CHO for same type of vehicle

22 Credit repair- what we see

23 Credit repair- Solutions
Capture Partial admissions Rates – Direct evidence Add on challenges Engineers

24 Credit hire fraud

25 What is Credit Hire Fraud
Phantom Hire Phantom Hirer Phantom Hire Vehicle Phantom Hire Organisation Simultaneous Hire Artificial Exaggeration Staged/Contrived accidents * Induced Accidents * Credit Hire Fraud rings Can be CHO or Claimant driven activity * excludes claims for personal injury

26 Credit hire fraud- post reform……

27 Credit hire fraud- solutions
Pick the right battles.. Be intelligence led… Prepare evidence not suspicion… It may not be fraud… Build in fixed and ad hoc reviews of strategy and process…

28 Clear skies ahead?? What else to expect……

29 Motor Case Law Update

30 Vnuk v Zavarovalnica Trigalev [2014]

31 (Martin) Lewis v Ward Hadaway [2016]
Claimants issued a number of claims just before the expiry of limitation Values on Claim Forms understated to allow lower Court fees e.g. damages limited to £15,000, but actual value in excess of £300,000. Claim Forms amended prior to service of proceedings to reflect the valuation - balance of correct fee paid Application to strike out as abuse Court agreed an abuse, but disproportionate to strike out However – summary judgment on limitation on some – Date a claim is brought is date correct Court fee paid Moneysavingexpert?

32 Sabir v Osei-Kwabena [CoA 2015]
Summers v Bundy [CoA 2016] Clarifying effect of Simmons v Castle Application of 10% uplift on general damages Sabir v Osei-Kwabena [CoA 2015] Contributory negligence in pedestrian case Causative potency and blameworthiness Pearson v Anwar [2014] Failure to wear a seatbelt 25% finding of contrib even where some injury would have occurred in any event

33 Broadhurst & Anor v Tan & Anor [2016]
Knauer -v- Ministry [2016] Multiplier in fatal – starts date of trial not date of death and as a result awards will be higher Broadhurst & Anor v Tan & Anor [2016] Claimant beating their own Part 36 obtains indemnity costs from the last date for acceptance, not fixed costs Thevarajah v Riordan [2015] Relief from sanctions Strict application of Mitchell


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