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Due Process of The Law Group 3 Brad Jackson Jessica Garcia

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1 Due Process of The Law Group 3 Brad Jackson Jessica Garcia
Matthew Montes

2 What is Due Process? In the United States, due process refers to a set of established legal principles, derived from the Constitution, that seek to protect the rights of citizens.

3 Due Process Clause The fifth amendment provides that “no person…(shall) be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.

4 No State shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. (Fourteenth Amendment) Guarantees U.S Citizens the equality and fairness of the law regardless of the crime

5 Goals Of Due Process To produce, through the use of fair procedures, more accurate results; to prevent the wrongful deprivation of interests To make people feel that the government has treated them fairly by listening to their position

6 Current

7 Was Justice Served? On September 30, 2011, these amendments were broken when President Obama approved a U.S. drone strike, which killed two American-born and -raised Muslim clerics, Anwar al-Awlaki (40 yrs.) and his son Samir Khan (16 yrs.) in Yemen.  

8 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
In 2012 President Obama signed the NDAA Act, Obama is the first ever president to claim the legal authority to order an American citizen killed without judicial involvement, real oversight or public accountability American citizens can be held indefinitely as a terrorist without formal charges and then sentenced to death

9 Detainee Rights Guantanamo Bay

10 Detainee Rights In Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (2006), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Guantanamo Bay detainees are protected by the Geneva Conventions, and struck down a Bush administration plan that called for the remaining detainees to be tried in top-secret tribunals. Last year, Congress passed the Military Commissions Act providing a due process system for Guantanamo detainees. The Pentagon has indicated that fewer than 100 prisoners will be tried under the new system. It is not yet clear whether detainees not tried under the Military Commissions Act will be immediately released or further detained indefinitely without trial, but the Hamdan precedent and public opinion make the latter option unlikely.

11 Guantanamo Bay Issues At Gitmo Sleep deprivation
FUCK Issues At Gitmo Sleep deprivation 20-hour interrogations Isolation All Deprive Prisoners of Due Process

12 Gitmo Continued…. 779 detainees have been incarcerated there, with President Bush releasing more than 500 and President Obama 67 212 Remaining Detainees with more being added All with minimal Due Process given at this time

13 Does This…. Make This Acceptable?

14 Questions For The Masses
Should Detainees be given their Due Process? Is there a reason to not offer American citizens Due Process of the law?

15 The United States was based on a foundation of freedom and Trust
The United States was based on a foundation of freedom and Trust. The current government has made the American public feel uneasy about their freedoms and their future

16 Q & A

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