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Jimmy Carter #39 1976-1980.

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1 Jimmy Carter #39

2 Election 1976 Election low turnout, only 54% - lowest since 1948
Carter’s Message: Personally moral Proud and upright Southern Baptist Annapolis Trained Navy Engineer Peanut Farmer God fearing Hardworking Governor of Georgia Pledged never to lie to the voters Reflected high moral character of the American people

3 Playboy Interview Running against Ford 1976
"I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times." Seen as “wierdo, sinner, and creepy” Received harsh criticism Evangelical lose faith in Carter Morality in question Evangelicals still prefer Carter to Ford Ford’s wife made pro-abortion comments earlier


5 Election 1976 The country was reacting against Gerald Ford and the Watergate Scandal. Economy was in decline: Stagflation South Vietnam being overrun by the North Ford Pardon’s Nixon Ford is the only president who was never elected


7 Ford Admin Problems Problems with the Fall of Vietnam (April 30, 1975)
US evacuates, no support for the South Vietnamese Video


9 Ford Pardon’s Nixon

10 Election 1976

11 The Country Rejects Ford and GOP

12 Economy Inherits weak economy from Ford
High interest rates, slow growing economy, and inflation lead to “Stagflation” 10% inflation and 20% interest rates on loans at peak High Unemployment Cannot balance budget Has little pull in congress Underestimated power of congress Disliked by GoP and fought with Democrats in congress (Robert Kennedy) Failed Health Care reform

13 Energy Crisis OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries raise price on oil Raise price because US supports Israel in Yom Kippur War (1973) Price of gas skyrockets Carter looks for alternative energy creates Department of Energy Nuclear energy seems to be answer Three Mile Island plant has partial nuclear meltdown Public turns away from Nuclear power as alternative

14 OPEC Nations

15 Three Mile Island


17 Panama Canal Treaty Torrijos–Carter Treaty
Gives Panama Control of Panama Canal in 1999 Nullifies previous treaty made during Teddy Roosevelt's presidency Strengthened relations with Latin America


19 Camp David Accords High point of Carter Administration
During War (1967) Israel takes Egyptian land Poor relations onward Secret meeting of Israeli Prime Minister Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat Reduced tension in Middle East Carter negotiates peace between two nations Help bring stability to region US involved in treaties in Middle East ever since


21 Sadat will later be assassinated for this peace agreement.

22 Middle East-Cold War Iran-CIA-Shah-
1953- US CIA sponsors the overthrow of a democratically elected Iranian government Eisenhower… Places new Shah (King) in charge of Iran<dictator> Reflected the Cold War US will support all non-communist Leaders video

23 Iran Hostage Crisis Biggest failure of Carter foreign policy
1979- Iranian Revolution Ayatollah Khomeini becomes new leader of Iran after Shah is removed from power American Embassy is taken over Because The US let the Shah enter the country, dying from cancer. American Hostages are taken Relations with Iran deteriorate News covers situation daily Hostages freed after 444 days Not released until Reagan is sworn in

24 Videos Hostage crisis Hostage rescue attempt Hostages Released

25 Salt II Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Reduce armaments between USSR and US Carter signs treaty in 1979 Congress does not pass treaty because of USSR invasion of afghanistan in 1980 Lead to START treaty under Reagan to continue disarmament of Nuclear weapons

26 Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
1979 to 1989 Afhgan fighters called the Mujahedeen American CIA Muslim Fundamentalists… Osama Bin Laden was one of these “Freedom Fighters” Reagan will continue and expand this aid.


28 Boycott of 1980 Summer Olympics
Olympics held in Moscow 1980 US and other countries boycott to protest USSR invasion in Afghanistan USSR and other communist states boycott 1984 olympics held in Los Angeles


30 Nicaragua Nicaragua Somoza Family dictatorship since 1937
Kissinger and others supported Somoza Earthquake really bad Human Rights abuses Somoza did not allow supervised elections (Organization of American States) Carter put economic sanctions Somoza had to flea Sandinistas, leftist opposition movement Sandinistas were supported by Cuba American Left and Right criticized Carter



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