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Student John A. Doe Ph.D. Proposal: Time-Travel Using Spatially Variant Temporal Metamaterials Student John A. Doe Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "Student John A. Doe Ph.D. Proposal: Time-Travel Using Spatially Variant Temporal Metamaterials Student John A. Doe Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student John A. Doe
Ph.D. Proposal: Time-Travel Using Spatially Variant Temporal Metamaterials Student John A. Doe Academic Advisor Dr. Raymond C. Rumpf

2 Outline Introduction Background Proposed Research Conclusion
Problem statement, relevance, and research hypothesis Background History and state-of-the-art Prior research Proposed Research Goals and objectives Work plan Schedule and milestones Conclusion 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

3 Pioneering 21st Century Electromagnetics and Photonics

4 Problem Statement What problem are you trying to solve?
How is it solved now? Why are current solutions not adequate? 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

5 Proposed Research How are you going to solve the problem?
What is your research hypothesis (if applicable)? Provide an awesome picture that summarizes your research. 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

6 Significance of the Research
Why is your research important? Who will it help? Why is it difficult and PhD worthy? What is the impact if you are successful? 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

7 Pioneering 21st Century Electromagnetics and Photonics

8 [Topic #1] Provide one or two page summaries of any background topics a person will need in order to understand your research. Assume the person is technical, but not directly in your field. 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

9 State-of-the-Art Outline the history of prior research in your topic area from the big bang to present. Explain the state-of-the-art in your topic area. What will your research contribute to the field? What is the problem with current solutions? Explain why your solution is novel and better. This section must summarize a comprehensive and thorough literature search. Some consider this the most important part of your proposal to ensure that you sufficiently understand your topic. 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

10 Prior Research: [Topic #1]
Describe the research you have accomplished to this point. Include only the research that is relevant to your PhD topic. Highlight any publications you may have produced from this research. 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

11 Pioneering 21st Century Electromagnetics and Photonics
Proposed Research

12 Scope and Objectives Explain the overarching vision guiding your research. State the purpose of your research. How does your research fit into the overarching vision? List what your research will include and what it will not include. What fundamental questions will you try to answer? See next slide for an example. 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

13 Scope and Objectives (Example)
Scope of the Effort All-dielectric frequency selective surfaces based on guided-mode resonance will be developed and demonstrated for high power microwaves. Project Objectives Objective #1 – Develop numerical tools for design and optimization of ADFSSs. * What is the fastest and most efficient way to model ADFSSs? Objective #2 – Develop hyper-grating concept for ADFSSs. * How quickly can power be coupled into and out of a guided wave? Objective #3 – Demonstrate functional ADFSSs * What performance can be achieved? * How do the experimental results compare to simulations? 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

14 Metrics for Success What will you measure to determine if your research is successful? Be specific and quantitative. Why are these the correct metrics for you to use? Provide the target values for all of your metrics (i.e. > 30 dB suppression) 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

15 Schedule and Milestones
Show your Gantt chart with schedule of tasks and milestones. 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

16 Task #1: [Title of task] Explain your task.
Show a picture of the outcome of the task. Identify milestones that will be accomplished by this task. List performance goals and/or metrics associated with this task. 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

17 Research Deliverables
Submit at least # peer-reviewed manuscripts Device demonstrations? Conference presentations? Final written dissertation Dissertation defense 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

18 Pioneering 21st Century Electromagnetics and Photonics

19 Summary State your research topic/hypothesis List significance
Metrics for success Timeline and deliverables Beautiful picture of what the final outcome of your research could look like. 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

20 Publications & Presentations
aaa bbb Ccc Juan Doe and Raymond C. Rumpf, “Overcoming sleepless nights using hyperbolic metamaterials,” in progress for submission to J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Sept Juan Doe and Raymond C. Rumpf, “Impact of global warming on the design of frequency selective surfaces,” submitted to Trans. IEEE, March 2049. Juan Doe and Raymond C. Rumpf, “Electromagnetic optimization inspired by the breading habits of rabbits,” accepted for publication in Optics Express, March 2049. List all of your publications and presentations including published, pending, or in progress. Do not include future publications. These should be listed as deliverables. List items in chronological order, starting with the most recent. 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

21 References aaa bbb ccc References are usually provided on the same slide as the reference materials. As an alternative to save room in your slides, you can list all references here instead. 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

22 Acknowledgements List your funding source (UTEP’s customer)
List your committee members. List anyone else that contributed technically, financially, or emotionally to your research. 11/15/2018 Ph.D. Proposal

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