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11/16/2018 A PhD Dissertation Using Bandwidth Estimation to Optimize Buffer and Rate Selection for Streaming Multimedia over IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks.

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Presentation on theme: "11/16/2018 A PhD Dissertation Using Bandwidth Estimation to Optimize Buffer and Rate Selection for Streaming Multimedia over IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/16/2018 A PhD Dissertation Using Bandwidth Estimation to Optimize Buffer and Rate Selection for Streaming Multimedia over IEEE Wireless Networks Mingzhe Li Committee: Prof. Mark Claypool – CS, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Prof. Robert Kinicki – CS, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Prof. Emmanuel Agu – CS, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Prof. Constantinos Dovrolis - College of Computing, Georgia-Tech PhD Dissertation Computer Science Dept. Worcester Polytechnic Institute November 16, 2018

2 Motivation Improve streaming performance over wireless networks
11/16/2018 Motivation Improve streaming performance over wireless networks Increasingly deployment of streaming multimedia over wireless networks Wireless link capacity increasing Streaming techniques become maturing Hardware price decreasing Streaming techniques are not optimized for wireless networks Streaming rate selection Playout buffer Bandwidth estimation PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

3 Streaming Rate Selection
11/16/2018 Streaming Rate Selection Goal: Adjust streaming media's data rate according to the network conditions. High Best Network Bottleneck Mid Streaming Client Low Packet losses Streaming Server PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

4 Streaming Rate Selection (cont.)
11/16/2018 Streaming Rate Selection (cont.) Traditional approaches Based on packet loss rate, Round Trip Time (RTT), or application quality metrics (Frame rate/image quality). Based on packet pair bandwidth estimation Rate selection in wireless networks Packet loss could be caused by bit error, but not congestion Round trip time variation could be caused by MAC layer contention, but not queuing delay Inaccurate bandwidth estimations Traditional approach results in selecting a rate higher/lower than the best rate in wireless networks PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

5 11/16/2018 Playout Buffer Goal: Smooth variation in bandwidth and streaming bit rate at the cost of startup delay. Buffer Network Bottleneck Media Streaming Client Streaming Server Select buffer size: Tradeoff between buffer underflow events and startup delay Ideally, adaptive to the network conditions PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

6 Playout Buffer (cont.) Traditional approaches
11/16/2018 Playout Buffer (cont.) Traditional approaches Fixed size for commercial applications Adaptive based on network measurements Playout buffer in wireless networks High variance in available bandwidth Traditional adaptive buffer size is insufficient Result in more buffer underflow events in wireless networks or long startup delay PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

7 Bandwidth Estimation Traditional approaches
11/16/2018 Bandwidth Estimation Traditional approaches Designed for precisely estimate the bandwidth in wired networks Converge based on searching algorithms Provide limited bandwidth information Impacted by wireless networks Inaccurate results Long estimation time High intrusiveness PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

8 11/16/2018 Requirements for Bandwidth Estimation for Streaming over Wireless Networks Adequate accuracy in bandwidth estimation for wireless networks Fast estimation time Low intrusiveness Broader bandwidth information Rate selection needs available bandwidth Playout buffer size selection needs variance in bandwidth PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

9 Dissertation Block Diagram
11/16/2018 Dissertation Block Diagram PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

10 Dissertation Components
11/16/2018 Dissertation Components Dissertation Components Approach Wireless Bandwidth Estimation Tool (WBest) Buffer and Rate Optimization for Streaming (BROS) Emulated Streaming (EmuS) M A S I P M A I P I P M: Analytical Model A: Optimization Algorithm S: Simulation I: Implementation P: Performance Evaluation PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

11 Outline Introduction The Dissertation
11/16/2018 Outline Introduction The Dissertation Wireless Bandwidth Estimation Tool (WBest) Related Work Algorithm Evaluation Contributions Future work PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

12 Related Bandwidth Estimation Techniques
11/16/2018 Related Bandwidth Estimation Techniques Packet dispersion bprobe [Crovella 1996], pathrate [Dovrolis, 2001], etc Measure the packet pair/train dispersion to estimate the bottleneck capacity Fast, medium accuracy, low intrusiveness Self-loading probe (Probe Rate Model - PRM) pathChirp [Ribeiro 2003], pathload [Jain 2003], etc Vary traffic load and use the packet delay to estimate the available bandwidth at the narrow link Slow, high accuracy, high intrusiveness Probe Gap Model (PGM) Spruce [Strauss 2003], IGI [Hu 2003], etc. Use the changes of the gap between packets to estimate the crossing traffic, then estimate the available bandwidth with given bottleneck capacity Assume a known bottleneck capacity PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

13 Packet Dispersion Bottleneck router L : Packet size
11/16/2018 Packet Dispersion Bottleneck router L : Packet size Ci: Bottleneck capacity ∆in: Initial gap ∆out: Dispersed gap PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

14 Example: Packet Dispersion with Wireless Contention
11/16/2018 Example: Packet Dispersion with Wireless Contention Probing traffic Contending traffic / Co-channel interference PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

15 Simulation Results of Packet Dispersion in Wireless Networks
11/16/2018 Simulation Results of Packet Dispersion in Wireless Networks Higher and inconstant overhead Inter frame spaces CSMA/CA handshakes Random delay between two back-to-back frames Physical layer rate adaptation Multipath fading Signal attenuation Bursty errors MAC layer contention Shared media IEEE MAC Retry (ARQ) Exponential backoffs High Bit Error Rate (BER) Lost frames MAC layer ARQ NS2 Simulations (V2.27): Ideal channel Fading channel with multirate PHY Contending channel Bit Error Rate (BER) PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

16 Wireless Bandwidth Estimation Tool (WBest)
11/16/2018 Wireless Bandwidth Estimation Tool (WBest) Objective: fast, low intrusiveness, adequately accurate estimation of available bandwidth and variance of bandwidth in wireless networks Two-step algorithm: a packet pair technique to estimate the effective capacity of the wireless network; a packet train technique to estimate the mean and standard deviation of available bandwidth PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

17 Terminologies Effective capacity (Ce) Available bandwidth (A)
11/16/2018 Terminologies Effective capacity (Ce) Indicates the maximum capability of the wireless network to deliver network layer traffic Includes rate adaptation impact Includes the BER impact Available bandwidth (A) Maximum unused bandwidth Impacted by contending/crossing traffic A = Ce – S, where S is bandwidth reduction caused by crossing and contending traffic PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

18 11/16/2018 WBest Assumptions Assume the last hop wireless network (hth hop) is the bottleneck link with a single FCFS queue and: Assume no significant changes in network conditions between the two steps (estimating Ce and A) PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

19 Estimating Effective Capacity (Ce)
11/16/2018 Estimating Effective Capacity (Ce) Send n packet pairs to estimate Ce: Ti : dispersion time of ith packet pair (seconds) L : packet size (bytes) Use the median of n estimations to minimize the impact of crossing and contending traffic PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

20 Estimating Available Bandwidth (A)
11/16/2018 A packet train of m packets is sent at effective capacity (Ce) to estimate available bandwidth FCFS queuing at AP R : dispersion rate S : crossing/contending traffic S’ : reduced crossing/contending traffic Estimate the contending and crossing traffic (S) using the dispersion rate (R) PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

21 Estimating Available Bandwidth (A) (cont.)
11/16/2018 Estimating Available Bandwidth (A) (cont.) Mean available bandwidth (A) Infer the variance of available bandwidth A Measured R PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

22 Advantages of WBest Fast estimation Low intrusiveness
11/16/2018 Advantages of WBest Fast estimation Not based on convergence searching algorithm Low intrusiveness Reasonably accurate bandwidth estimation Reduce the wireless impact on searching algorithm Delay measurement Wireless losses Others Estimation of effective capacity Ce Estimation of variance in available bandwidth PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

23 Evaluation Build testbed Compare with: Open source drivers
11/16/2018 Build testbed Open source drivers Wireless sniffer Various wireless conditions Traffic load Power saving mode Rate adaptation Implementation of WBest Compare with: IGI/PTR v2.0 [Hu 2003] (PGM/PRM) pathChirp v2.4.1 [Ribeiro 2003] (PRM) pathload v1.3.2 [Jain 2003] (PRM) PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

24 Evaluation (cont.) 15 evaluation cases Repeat 30 times for each case
11/16/2018 Evaluation (cont.) 15 evaluation cases Various Crossing/Contending traffic TCP and UDP protocols Rate adaptation Power saving mode Repeat 30 times for each case Each run consists of four tools and one Constant Bit Rate (CBR) to measure the “ground truth” of available bandwidth In a lab with radio-shield paint, during middle of night Performance metrics Available bandwidth (Mbps) Estimation time /convergence time (seconds) Intrusiveness (MBytes) PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

25 Results of Available Bandwidth (UDP crossing traffic)
11/16/2018 Results of Available Bandwidth (UDP crossing traffic) Ground truth Ground Truth PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

26 Results of Estimation Time (UDP crossing traffic)
11/16/2018 Results of Estimation Time (UDP crossing traffic) PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

27 Results of Intrusiveness (UDP crossing traffic)
11/16/2018 Results of Intrusiveness (UDP crossing traffic) PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

28 Summary of all 15 Cases (Estimation Times)
11/16/2018 Summary of all 15 Cases (Estimation Times) Error is different between estimated bandwidth and the “ground truth” measured by CBR throughput. PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

29 Summary of all 15 Cases (Intrusiveness)
11/16/2018 Summary of all 15 Cases (Intrusiveness) PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

30 Outline Introduction The Dissertation
11/16/2018 Outline Introduction The Dissertation Wireless Bandwidth Estimation Tool (WBest) Related Work Algorithm Evaluation Contributions Future work PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

31 Contributions Wireless Bandwidth Estimation Tool (WBest)
11/16/2018 Wireless Bandwidth Estimation Tool (WBest) Fast, low intrusiveness, accurate estimation for IEEE networks Broader bandwidth information: Effective capacity, Available bandwidth and variance Implemented and evaluated in Linux Packet dispersion model in wireless networks Includes channel rate, contending, BERs, MAC layer retry and exponential backoff Validated by simulations and measurements PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

32 Contributions (cont.) Playout buffer model
11/16/2018 Contributions (cont.) Playout buffer model Markov Chain model based on streaming rate and distribution of available bandwidth Validated by measurements in wireless networks PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

33 11/16/2018 Contributions (cont.) Buffer and Rate Optimization for Streaming (BROS) Optimizes streaming rate and initial buffer size based on WBest estimations Adjustable based on target buffer underflow probability Implemented and evaluated in wireless networks Reduce buffer underflow by nearly 100% Reduce frame loss by nearly 100% Reduce total buffer delay by 80% Emulated Streaming (EmuS) system Multiple encoded layers and configurable playout buffer Provides performance information: frame loss, buffer delay and underflow Integrated with WBest and BROS PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

34 11/16/2018 Future Work Extend WBest to other types of wireless networks such as WWANs Extend BROS/WBest for live or interactive applications Improve WBest to use streaming multimedia data to estimate available bandwidth Improve WBest to report loss rate and delay information, which may be used to improve the media repair techniques PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

35 Acknowledgements Prof. Claypool and Prof. Kinicki Prof. Agu
11/16/2018 Acknowledgements Prof. Claypool and Prof. Kinicki Prof. Agu Prof. Dovrolis from Georgia-Tech Faculty/Staff of Computer Science Dept., WPI Jae Chung, Feng Li, Rui Lu, Hao Shang, Huahui Wu, and everyone from PEDS and CC groups Attendees today My Family PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

36 11/16/2018 A PhD Dissertation Using Bandwidth Estimation to Optimize Buffer and Rate Selection for Streaming Multimedia over IEEE Wireless Networks Mingzhe Li Committee: Prof. Mark Claypool – CS, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Prof. Robert Kinicki – CS, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Prof. Emmanuel Agu – CS, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Prof. Constantinos Dovrolis - College of Computing, Georgia-Tech PhD Dissertation Computer Science Dept. Worcester Polytechnic Institute November 16, 2018

37 Rate Selection in IEEE 802.11g WLAN
11/16/2018 Rate Selection in IEEE g WLAN 2-minute Windows Media streaming session Streaming over IEEE g WPI campus WLAN 11 encoding levels PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

38 Buffer Events in IEEE 802.11g WLAN
11/16/2018 Buffer Events in IEEE g WLAN PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

39 11/16/2018 BROS rate selection PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

40 BROS buffer optimization
11/16/2018 BROS buffer optimization PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

41 Buffer Underflow (Rate adaptation case)
11/16/2018 Buffer Underflow (Rate adaptation case) PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

42 Frame Loss (Rate adaptation case)
11/16/2018 Frame Loss (Rate adaptation case) PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

43 Total Buffer Delay (Rate adaptation case)
11/16/2018 Total Buffer Delay (Rate adaptation case) PhD Dissertation – November 16, 2018

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