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Presentation on theme: "THE E-PORTFOLIO IFFAT AZIZ GPST3."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is it all for? ARCP Panel Assessment
To help you reflect and learn To prove you are covering the different areas of the curriculum Communication and consultation skills Practising holistically Data gathering and interpretation Making diagnoses and decisions Primary Care administration and IT Working with colleagues and in teams Community orientation Maintaining performance, learning and teaching Maintaining an ethical approach to practice Fitness to practise Clinical management Managing medical complexity

3 What the rcgp says… “Above all else the ePortfolio is where the GP trainee records their learning in all its forms and settings. Its prime function is to be an educational tool that will record and facilitate the management of the journey of clinical and personal development through learning.” “It might be described as the glue which holds the curriculum learning and assessment together. “

4 What do you have to do in the next 6 months?
12x Reflections (Clinical Encounters) 3x Mini CEXs (Clinical Evaluation Exercises) or 3xCOT’S(Consultation Observation Tools) if you’re in GP 3x Mini CBD’s (Case Based Discussion) 1x MSF (Multi Source Feedback ) 1x PSQ (Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire) 1x CSR (Clinical Supervisor Report) and 1x ESR (Educational Supervisor Report) OOH Sessions

5 What to think about in the first couple of months?
PDPs (Personalised Development Plan) Reflections

6 pdp's Do these at the beginning of every new rotation
Review your PDPs towards the end of each rotation—>have you achieved them? Make them “SMART” SPECIFIC MEASURABLE ACHIEVABLE REALISTIC TIMED

7 reflections…What to write about??
Anything! (within reason) Clinical dilemmas e.g. things from consultations you want to discuss with your trainer later/topics you want to read up about Ethical Issues Tricky consultations Team Working Problems Your feelings

8 How to structure your clinical encounters
Lets have a look…

9 Bad example… Title “migraine tutorial” Things you learned:
“diagnosis, treatment guidelines, referrals,” What will you do differently “Manage according to set guidelines” ✓SATISFIES PANEL/PUBLIC ✗SERVES LITTLE PURPOSE FOR YOU

10 a Better Example… Title “migraine tutorial” Things you learned:
“diagnosis, treatment guidelines, referrals,” “Must remember that high dose aspirin (900mg) with metoclopropramide can stop an acute attack if taken early and is a simple measure” What will you do differently “Manage according to MIPCA protocol guidelines, and encourage the aspirin regime when someone presents early” ✓ SATISFIES PANEL/PUBLIC ✓ SATISFIES YOU : eg the next time a patient comes in with migraine but a) you can’t remember who wrote the protocol and where it is and b) if you forget the “aspirin regime”  you can search for it

11 Some tips… Use good headings Be concise Include Key Words
Get stuck in and give it a go!

12 Any questions…?


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