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2 VISION What is Vision? The capacity to discern the true nature of our existence (purpose) (God-given…insight toward individual purpose)

3 VISION The Value of “Vision”
The effectiveness of serving is knowing the purpose of your existence (vision)!! If we don’t understand why we exist, our service will be inadequate Makes us spiritually deficient – ineffective fruit

4 VISION The Value of “Vision”
As a servant, every believer should have a vision for their life in order to produce good (proper) fruit for the Kingdom of God. No vision, usually equates to bad fruit or no fruit at all

5 VISION Why is fruit so important in having a Vision?
You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain (Jn 15:16).

6 VISION Other Scriptures on Fruit:
By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit (Jn 15:8) Therefore by their fruits you will know them (Matt 7:20) Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire (Matt 7:19) …for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth (Eph 5:9)

7 VISION Vision provides for us the components necessary to acquire the good fruit that pleases the Father: Luke 2:41-51 Vision evokes emotion/passion (Nehemiah) Vision provokes motivation (Elishia) Vision simplifies direction (Joseph) Vision translates into purpose (Jesus)

8 VISION Vision provides for us the components necessary to acquire the good fruit that pleases the Father: Luke 2:41-51 Jesus was: Motivated to sit & listen Passionately engaging leaders Understands His Direction Defines His Purpose

9 VISION Attributes of Visionless people
Usually Angry or Easily Irritated Easily Distracted Hard to Maintain Good Relationships Make foolish/impulsive decisions Drifter like mentality..i.e. Jobs, aimless in attitude No moral compass- live very loosely, unrestraint Emotionally distressed or depressed (suicidal) Television and worthless conversations fill most their day Quick to dismantle other peoples purpose and vision Always seem to have an opinion and (bad) advice for others

10 VISION Church Vision- Church Mission- Your Church Vision
What God have uniquely called a Church to do Church Mission- What steps they will take to get there Your Church Vision What God have uniquely called you to do in the local body Your Church Mission What steps you will take to get there

11 VISION CHURCH VISION usually involves a 5 fold Objective Worship -
As the Church we celebrate our relationship with the Father and invite the very presence of the King into our mist where he instructs us, encourages us, heals us and unifies His children Evangelism- As the Church, we are commissioned to introduce the kingdom to the lost in order that the Church will produce the harvest required of her Discipleship- As the Church, once we have evangelized we must now begin to teach and equip them to observe the commands of the Father and impart into them vision and direction, as well. Fellowship- As the Church, we encourage relationship and fellowship with one another usually in the form of small groups. In this format we can identify the needs & concerns of the saints in order to help them grow and stay connected to the local assembly. Servanthood/Ministry As the Church we demonstrate God’s love through our service to our communities, each other and the Local body which we belong.

12 VISION Although many passages describe what the church is to be and do, two statements by Jesus summarizes the new mission: The Great Commandment (Matt 22:34-40) The Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20)

13 VISION New Life Temple’s Vision & Mission Statement Vision Statement The vision of New life Temple Church is to be a beacon of light in our global community, restoring those who are distressed and lost to their purpose in life to complete wholeness. We will restore them through the truth of the Gospel by teaching, preaching, equipping and discipling; then commissioning them to serve the Kingdom and evangelize a harvest. Mission Statement Restoration is the mandate placed upon this local body. Our restorative mission is global and will be implemented through...(P.R.E.E.C.H): •Preaching & teaching people about the Kingdom of God •Returning to the true emphasis of worship •Evangelizing & discipling our families, individual and global communities •Equipping people for the work of ministry •Commissioning people to go work the Harvest through the gifts imparted to them •Helping to encourage people to serve wholeheartedly in the Kingdom of God

14 VISION Where do you fit in?


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