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Video Feedforward Creating Brighter Futures

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1 Video Feedforward Creating Brighter Futures
Background VFF is an intervention that promotes behavioural change based on the concept of self- modelling. Children are shown edited video clips of themselves succeeding in tasks/ situations they find challenging. The desired change has to be possible (components of this skill have to be within their repertoire). VFF has a long history based on the work of Professor Peter Dowrick in New Zealand and the USA. Research suggests that VFF has been effective at improving outcomes for children. Applications; Developing a new skill within their ZPD Adapting social/ class/ school behaviour Reducing anxiety in situations Developing language, supporting speech Teaching reading Developing mathematical skills Preparation for transitions (e.g. to pre-school/ primary/secondary school/ adulthood) Developing responses (e.g. developing assertiveness) Goal Setting Consult with key adults and child-Targets may arise through direct involvement- Must be observable on film- Scale goals Planning Involve the child- Consider using storyboards- Ensure success with prompts, rehearsal, setting, props etc -VFF practitioner as film director Videoing Remind the child about the goals and plan- Use a good video recorder/ iPad- Reassure them parts can be edited Editing Use an editing program- ‘Grab’ successful moments and delete unwanted scenes- Subtitle pages can show goals- Aim for 2-3 minute film Sharing Adult shares with child- Pause and discuss success and generalising- Consider best time and place to view-Encourage the child to be responsible for viewing process Review and Evaluation Discuss and review progress- Scaling goals- Consider further evaluations VFF Process Theoretical links; Vygotsky’s Socio-cultural theory: Model of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) whereby learning is scaffolded by a more skilled person. VFF works within the ZPD and is scaffolded by adults. Bandura’s Social Learning theory: Self modelling strengthens belief in an individuals capacity. This is an essential element for self efficacy. Self efficacy influences generalisation and maintenance. Skinner’s Operant Behaviour theory: Behaviour is modified as a result of seeing/ experiencing the consequence. Seligman’s theory of Learned Optimism and Beck’s Cognitive Behaviour Theory : consciously challenging negative self talk/ beliefs. Pre-intervention checklist; Self recognition: Can the child recognise themselves on video? Motivation: Will the child find it intrinsically rewarding to change their behaviour? Distraction: Is the child able to block out background distractions on the video? Observable behaviour: Is it within their ZPD? Can the elements be recorded using supports or different contexts to give a good edited performance? Client capacity: Do they understand the process? ICT skills: Is someone able to edit the video? Viewing capacity: Is a key adult able to view the video with the child? Permission: Obtain necessary permission. Still images from VFF intervention work: References: Landor, M. & Strathie, C. Video Feedforward: Towards a preferred future. In Kennedy, H., Landor, M. & Todd, L. (2011). Video Interaction Guidance: A relationship based intervention to promote attunement, empathy and well being. Roosje Rautenbach - Educational Psychologist -

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