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The Saying is Trustworthy

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1 The Saying is Trustworthy
A study of Titus 3:8-10 All Scriptures quoted are from the English Standard Version

2 “This is a faithful saying (NKJV/KJV)…”
“Faithful is the saying (ASV)…” “The saying is trustworthy (ESV)…” “This is a trustworthy statement (NASB)…”

3 Appropriate Sayings (v. 8)
Our responsibility to good works -Heb. 10:24 (command) -Acts 9:36 (example) Congregational good works -Gal. 6:10 (benevolence) -1 Thess. 5:11 (edification) -Matt, 28:18-20 (evangelism)

4 Not Appropriate Sayings (v. 9)
-Prov. 30:32-33, foolish controversies… -1 Tim. 1:3-4, disputes over temporal concepts -Matt. 3:9, John’s reminder about genealogies

5 Unwise Contentions What type of bush was it?
Where exactly was the Garden of Eden? How many nails was it? Don’t forget about Col. 2:14

6 Discipline for Contenders (v. 10)
How about Non-Doctrinal issues? -This is the primary reason for warnings -1 Cor. 1:10, same mind & judgment Warn the offender twice… -Not a new command -consider Matt. 18:15-17 -What about 1 Cor. 5:1-7

7 Discipline for Contenders (v. 10)
No Fellowship till repentance -lack of fellowship is to cause shame -1 Cor. 5:5 -2 John 10-11

8 What have we learned? Be involved in good works!
Don’t be involved in contention! Don’t fellowship error!

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