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User evaluation of vision 4 system

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1 User evaluation of vision 4 system
Jennie Johnson, will ryan October 2016

2 Methodology Objective Tasks Participants Testing Procedure No training
Determine user experience and acceptance of the new Vision4 Incident Management UI. Tasks 11 Pre-determined tasks and questions, self-guided with Validately tool. Participants 5 Participants (NCR Internal Managed Services; expert users) Testing Procedure Participants used the Validately tool and were asked to talk aloud about their experience. No training Users were viewing the Vision4 system for the first time and had no overview. Data Analysis tbd

3 Tasks Task 1: Login to the Vision System with the following credentials: *Username: john* *Password: Password-101* *Language: English (UK)* Task 2: Scenario: You are a Helpdesk Associate who receives a call from a branch teller. The teller wants to know **what is the status for ATM00242**? Task 3: Scenario: You are a Helpdesk Associate who receives a call from a branch teller. The teller wants to know if **the incident for ATM00351 has been dispatched?** Task 4: Scenario: You are a Helpdesk Associate who receives a call from a branch teller. The teller says **ATM00481 has been out of service for 2 days now! Please dispatch an FLM technician immediately!** *Please note there will be no confirmation after triggering the dispatch- functionality is in development.* Task 5:Scenario: You are a Helpdesk Associate who receives a call about ATM The caller wants an update about the incident. **Add a shared comment to the incident stating “Gary from branch called- provided an update.-*"yourname/initials”* ** Task 6: Scenario: Find a way to **change your view to the grid view.** How many total **open incidents are in the category Lost Communication?** Task 7: Scenario: As a Helpdesk Administrator, you have determined that the status code table USERTEST is missing a required status code. **Locate the status code table USERTEST and add a new code with the following using your initials in place of the XX:** *Status code: XX005* *Description: some missing code* *Action code: 08* Task 8: Scenario: As an Application Administrator, you need to add a new user to the Vision system. **Create a new user record using your first name, last name, etc. and assigned to the user group Administrator.** Task 9: Scenario: As a Help desk Associate, you received a call about ATM **Use Search to find out the status of ATM10851.** Task 10: Scenario: As a Help desk Associate, you are getting an increase in calls asking for status updates. **Use Search to find out how many incidents have been open at least minutes.** Task 11: Scenario: Your coworker Allie (username ab123456) recently was married and has changed her last name. **Please update her last name in her user record (change it to new one).**

4 Video Clips

5 Issue 1 Ability to type/key enter to Search for an ATM/number without having to click on search icon. (Have it already open like on EJ- (Cx team) When first entering this screen, there is no ATM selected, but the accordions on the right shows up- confusing. Should default to first ATM. (Vision team) Add a search

6 Issue 2 Cursor should default to Terminal Name Searchbox when first entering Search screen. Don’t rely on placeholder text, which disappears, for Search field label in modal. Modal header not present, or too dark. Cannot read the Filter text due to contrast- change to White (Vision Team).

7 Issue 3 Subnavigation on the accordion- opens too low. Can’t tell that you can scroll for more options. Temp fix- add a scroll bar; real fix- move subaccordion choices to the top of the submenuconsider Nav bar on click rather than hover. (also depends on how your browser zoom is set). (Cx team) Sub-accordion choices are not alphabetic order (Vision team).

8 Issue 4 When in Grid View, change the Subcategory font color to white- Out of Service, In Service, Needs Attention, etc. (Vision Team) Need feedback that filters are applied (Cx team)

9 Issue 5 Remove hyperlink from breadcrumb when the link doesn’t go anywhere Add a search capability to Data Admin (they may have 200 tables in Status Code) and User Management. (Vision Team) Design suggestion: Change heading for Data Admin section to Data Management to match other pages

10 Issue 6 Require fields should be made clear before filling out data.
Error message in password (for example) should indicate network problems as fault instead of invalid . Error messages should be distinct and help user fix the problem. (Vision Team)

11 Additional Too mouse driven.
Bring filters/search closer to the attribute being filtered. Users want to see more information on the screen without having to drill down to it. Especially the incident details. Give me ability to edit user in grid view without changing to list view.

12 Other user experience issues
Ability to edit user in grid view without changing to list view. The headers need to be sortable…in Admin/UserManagement. Want open search/type ahead box to filter and find the user. Type in the number 8 for action code instead of having to scroll down and select it. Ability to move and resize modals around- browser based not as flexible as workstation windows. Smart filters, type aheads, dynamic drilldowns based on what was typed. Need shortcut keys, fewer strokes for common tasks What if I want to search by the customer? The term clients in context of ATMs was unclear (talking about the people clients?), they suggested managed clients or terminals Being able to find the total # of incidents as well as “clients” in a category. Incident age filter should include equals in addition to less than or greater than.

13 User Comments “I know there are tickets…doesn’t tell me anything without going one by one. We created tools ourselves. Operators can see a lot of details…how many incidents open, if it’s out of service- by color.” “I prefer one screen where I can see everything I need.”  ”If they put that system in front of an agent at a call center, they will be lost.” “A new UI doesn’t make the system better” (in other words, navigation/flow is most important).

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