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Central Florida Diversity Learning Series Evaluation Summary of Session 1 on January 26, Micro Messaging: How Micro-Aggressions, Micro-Expressions and Emotional Intelligence Impact Inclusion Presenter: Ilene Wasserman, PhD CFDLS © 2016

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EVALUATION DETAILS Click to edit Master title style A total of 23 evaluations were turned in, 14 of which were filled out by managers and 9 of which were filled out by individual contributors or employees. A total of 31 people attended the session. The first 3 questions asked participants to rate their knowledge before and after the session, on a scale from 1–5. Questions 4–6 were open-ended with room to write in responses. CFDLS © 2016

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I know how to look for, notice and address micro-aggressions and micro-expressions. Click to edit Master title style Managers’ total improvement: 18% IC’s total improvement: 24% Based on 14 manager responses and 9 individual responses. CFDLS © 2016

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I can effectively link the skills of emotional intelligence as tools to address these issues. Click to edit Master title style Managers’ total improvement: 22% IC’s total improvement: 19% Based on 14 manager responses and 9 individual responses. CFDLS © 2016

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I can intentionally intervene using the right skills and tools to positively impact micro-aggressions and micro-expressions. Click to edit Master title style Managers’ total improvement: 36% IC’s total improvement: 20% Based on 14 manager responses and 9 individual responses. CFDLS © 2016

6 Average Rating per Question (Managers and Individuals Combined)
Click to edit Master title style CFDLS © 2016

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Total Percentage Improvement per Question (Managers and Individuals Combined) Click to edit Master title style CFDLS © 2016

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OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS What was your most significant learning today? Managers: • Understanding that we always have a choice in how we can improve the situation in the next moment. • Balance between self-reflections and moving forward. • Micro-aggression expression recognition. • Understand the responsibility of “my doing” as well as others. • Framing episodes, contact, storytelling. • Emotional competence and where it emotionally stems from. • Being aware of my reactions to others’ actions. • Constructive discomfort. • Pausing– “name and frame.” • I had no concept of micro-aggression/micro-expression and the impact they present. • Hearing others stories. Click to edit Master title style CFDLS © 2016

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OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS What was your most significant learning today? Individual Contributors: • What you have control over, is what you create in the next moment. • Episode framing. I see the model as a great way to frame up opportunity. • I can’t choose just one. • Great tools and resources. • Power of intention and choosing the moment and affecting the story. • Self reflection is critical for self and others. • Emotional Intelligence and responses to micro-aggression and micro-expressions. • Learning a little more about how to recognize and react to micro-aggression through EI. • How we as a society are quick to judge others on race, gender, education, culture, background and job status/level of administration. • Remember to “name and frame” my assumptions. Click to edit Master title style CFDLS © 2016

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OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS How will you use one or more of the tools presented/practiced today? Managers: • Complex story-telling and framing model • “Up to this moment” or “From this point forward.” • Think more about what I accept re: micro-aggressions and how to respond to it professionally. • I like the tool about stories start in the past and take various turns to the future. • Leverage in D&I and EQ work for senior leadership development strategy. • Continue to be more reflective. • I’ll be having some conversations with co-workers to further develop our environment and continue productivity. • Definitely use tools to help myself and my staff recognize micro-aggressions and EI to foster inclusion in the work place. • Story-telling is an excellent tool that allows for integration of different perspectives. • Daisy Model spoke to me. Click to edit Master title style CFDLS © 2016

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OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS How will you use one or more of the tools presented/practiced today? Individual Contributors: • Will use the “up until now” motto. • These tools will help me be in a better place. • Continue to learn more on inclusion and practice at work to engage everyone. • Renew my mindfulness meditation practice to enhance my emotional intelligence. • Share with my unit/area. • I plan on integrating it with my personal and work relationships by envisioning each “turn” and asking how the next turn can benefits “us.” • When teaching, I plan on incorporating into my own instructions. Click to edit Master title style CFDLS © 2016

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OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS Other comments: (usefulness of handouts, quality of the facilitator, food, facilities, access, insights): Managers: • Excellent facilitator. I enjoyed this class very much. • Video clips were very insightful. • Very nice job. Slower beginning, perhaps add another activity. • Session is too short; seems rushed. • Thank you! Loved the videos and the conversation! • Great use of the morning. I love taking a few hours for academic sessions and time for thought and reflection. The facilitator was great! • Looking forward to Dr. Wasserman’s upcoming book. • Excellent as usual. • More visual or actual scenarios on how to intervene. • Great session! Click to edit Master title style CFDLS © 2016

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OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS Other comments: (usefulness of handouts, quality of the facilitator, food, facilities, access, insights): Individual Contributors: • All was great. • Very nice accommodations. • Well done. • Great, high quality facilitator! • I not sure I understand the part/diagram of Framing. • Would love a deeper dive... too much in too short of a session! • Excellent, just wish we had more time. • Great seminar! Thank you Bill and Ilene. • This needs to be presented to the whole UCF staff and faculty on the main campus. • Great presentation, thank you. Click to edit Master title style CFDLS © 2016

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