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Are you work ready? Lanyard on Coats off

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Presentation on theme: "Are you work ready? Lanyard on Coats off"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you work ready? Lanyard on Coats off
Phones on silent and put away to avoid distractions Only water on tables please Notebook and pen Positive learning attitude and ownership No leaving the lesson unless you have been given permission Punctuality

2 Videos on your Blogs Upload to YouTube Link Youtube URL to Blog
If you do not want visitors to your Youtube page to see the video, set privacy settings to ‘unlisted’ If you do not want people to see the video at all, then password protect the blog page. All videos must be on your blogs for assessment.

3 Checklist Build blog, including all pages Uses and Gratifications
Shot analysis Storyboards Location Recce About me Stopping Essay

4 Aims and Objectives Explore examples of Long Takes and the creative intentions of the director Explain how the Long Take works across different genres Look at how editing techniques can be used to support Long Takes

5 The Long Take Alfred Hitchcock
Hitchcock wanted to produce a film that created the effect of one continuous take. One roll of 35mm film only lasted 10 minutes Shots ended with a close up of a blank surface. The next shot began with the same shot, creating a seamless link in the edit.

6 The Long Take in Thrillers
When watching this clip, try to consider the planning and coordination involved in its production. Why is the shot filmed this way? What is the director trying to achieve? Touch of Evil Orson Welles 1958

7 The Long Take in Thrillers
A heightened sense of anticipation as the protagonists and the car intertwine An exploration of the environment and passersby. A combination of action with dialogue Appreciation of the art form Touch of Evil Orson Welles 1958

8 The Long Take in Horror Creates suspense Creates a sense of dread
Creates suspense Creates a sense of dread Is he being followed? What is around the corner? Is he alone? The Shining Stanley Kubrick 1958

9 Supporting the Narrative using a Long Take
How does the use of the Long Take in this scene support the narrative and our understanding of the characters? Goodfellas Martin Scorsese 1990

10 Long Take in Goodfellas
Follows wonder of female protagonist ‘Represents the underground’ Introduces the lifestyle of the main character Supports the music Shows the character ‘working the floor’ Establishes location

11 Long Take in Action Terminator Salvation The Protector

12 Long Take in Action Heightens the tension in the scene
Follows the journey of the protagonists Enables to the audience to explore and understand the space Long Takes in action films are usually an expression of the directors creativity, as it adds to the scale of the stunt or sequence.

13 Creativity of the Director
Atonement 2007: Children of Men 2006:

14 How was that scene made?

15 Using editing Techniques to Extend your Long Take
Long Takes usually consist of one Long Take A full Long Take is not always possible for creative or technical reasons. Editing techniques are used to blend takes together in manner that is not spotted by the audience.

16 Can you spot where the edits are in these clips

17 Further Viewing

18 Planning your Long Takes
Look at the person sitting next to you and wave at them. All pairs sitting in rows 1,3,5,7 look at the pair behind you. Pairs sitting in rows 2, 4, 6, 8 look at the pair in front of you. Wave of them with a cheesy grin. You are now in your production groups of four!

19 Task In your groups begin to plan a Long Take that will be filmed and edited during the next few sessions.

20 Conditions The take must suit a particular genre
The take must have a purpose i.e. supporting the narrative or enhancing the drama/tension/emotion of the scene We want you to be inventive, creative and entertaining All issues of health and safety must be identified and planned for. Other students, lessons property and well being must be respected. Staff will alter or disallow any ideas that are unachievable, dangerous or disruptive. No action Cuts should only occur if necessary

21 Planning You can produce a storyboard, annotated script, annotated floor plan or any other form of planning that demonstrated the logistics, location and timings of your idea.

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