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Number & Operations 3–5 Module.

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1 Number & Operations 3–5 Module

2 Football Fun Awesome is the only way to describe Sunday’s battle between the Texans and the Panthers. At the end of the 20th quarter, the score was ½ to 3 with the Texans leading. The quarterback, number 157, threw 1,999 passes to his teammates during the first quarter. However, the Panthers kicked 3 field goals to take over the lead. All 87 players were on the field to defend their team’s record.

3 Football Fun The excitement grew in the 4th quarter when the biggest player, Julius Peppers from the Panthers, weighing 98 pounds, stopped the Texans’ quarterback from throwing a pass with a crushing tackle on the 150 yard line. The Panthers won and continued their winning streak of 0 and 89.

4 Football Fun What is wrong with this story?
What understanding is missing? What is number sense?

5 Number Sense Good intuition about numbers and their relationships
A “feel” for numbers Approach numbers with flexibility An awareness and understanding of what numbers are, their relationships, their magnitude, and the relative effect of operating on numbers

6 Number Sense Students with number sense develop
multiple meanings of numbers, know how operations work and how to apply them, and use numbers fluently (accurately, efficiently, flexibly)

7 SCOS and Big Ideas Big ideas go across grade levels and reflect important, fundamental understandings upon which SCOS objectives build Use your Big Ideas handout throughout the workshop to make notes on how your grade level objectives fit

8 Big Ideas in Number Numbers can be classified in multiple ways to show relationships Properties are the basis of classifications Some representations show equivalent relationships Part-whole relationships can reflect composing and decomposing

9 Big Ideas in Number Numbers in elementary mathematics are represented using a base-10 place value system System - based on groupings of ten - allows us to represent all numbers with just 10 digits Digits have different values depending on their positions (both whole numbers and decimals) Students must understand both place value and face value Composite groups (groups of more than one) can be counted multiple times and operated on as an entity

10 Big Ideas in Number Dealing with multiplicative reasoning requires a shift in thinking about numbers from numbers representing single units to composite units that are grouped Composite groups (groups of more than one) can be counted multiple times and operated on as an entity Instruction should focus on helping students identify, create, and count composite groups

11 Big Ideas in Number Operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) are used to suggest distinct actions that are defined mathematically and are dependent on the context; performing those actions leads to consistent results for all numbers (whole and rational) Operation relationships are an important part of number sense Properties combined with operations are the foundation of arithmetic Properties lead to mathematical generalizations

12 Big Ideas in Number Reasonable estimates reflect an understanding of both operations and number relationships Context influences what an appropriate range (estimate) would be Appropriate estimates reflect students’ sense making

13 Big Ideas in Number Fluency (accuracy, efficiency, flexibility) is reasoning about and using rational number operations with understanding Mastery involves knowing strategies for retrieving basic facts and being able to apply them in other computations Fluency is built upon number relationships, place value, properties, and operation understandings

14 Early Computation “Number sense” is a major goal of elementary mathematics K-2 students learn the meanings of addition and subtraction as well as basic fact and problem solving strategies Some students are still working toward fluency operating with one and two-digit numbers

15 Developing Fluency Understand relationship of numbers to and part-part-whole relationships Understand how addition and subtraction are related Commutative property for addition 8 + 6 = ? 8 is 2 away from 10, 2 & 4 make 6 13 – 7 = ? “7 and what makes 13” 8 + 6 = ? = 8 + 6

16 Strategies for Addition Facts
One-More-Than and Two-More Than Facts One addend is a 1 or , 5 + 2 Facts with Zero One addend is Doubles Addends are the same

17 Strategies for Addition Facts
Near-Doubles One addend is one more than the other ( ) Make-Ten Facts One of the addends is 8 or 9 7 + 8 6 + 9 How could you make one addend ten?

18 Developing Fluency Provide drill in the use and selection of those strategies once they have been developed Practice – problem-based activities in which students develop flexible and useful strategies Drill – repetitive non-problem-based activity; students have a strategy they understand and know how to use; helps to make the strategy automatic

19 Addition Expectations
Students should be able to write, interpret and solve problems that represent given problem situations using both horizontal and vertical equations for two, three and four-digit numbers by the end of third grade

20 Multiple Solutions Illustrate different ways to solve the problem What thinking is used in each solution method? 239 +603

21 Compare and Contrast Describe the strategies used to solve these 1 1
468 + 345 813 468 +345 700 100 13 813 = = 86 = 88 48 +34 12 70 82

22 Compare and Contrast 382 + 445 465 48 7127 - 348 +34 123 712
Describe the misconceptions or incomplete understandings these solutions illustrate 382 + 445 7127 465 - 348 123 48 +34 712

23 Multiplication Multiplication is more than memorizing tables and practicing algorithms Multiple perspectives bring a broader view & a more active approach to learning Geometric Perspective Numerical Perspective Real-World Perspective

24 Real-World Multiplication
Things that come in groups: What comes in 2s, 3s, and 4s? Brainstorm things that come in groups Context determines the operations of multiplication and division

25 Equal Group Problems Multiplication:
Situations when the number and size of groups is known Example: The boys have 6 wagons. There are 4 books in each wagon. How many books do they have altogether?

26 Equal Group Problems Division:
Situations when either the number or size of sets is unknown Two Types: Partition Division Measurement Division

27 Equal Group Problems Partition Division
Rick has 24 apples. He wants to share them equally with 4 of his friends. How many apples will each friend receive? Measurement Division Rick has 24 apples. He put them into bags containing 6 apples each. How many bags will Mark use? How might children solve these differently?

28 Multiplication Explorartion
Patterns on the Hundred’s Chart: Looking for patterns helps students understand multiplication better than simply rote counting multiples (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, …) Find interesting patterns of t multiples on the chart

29 Geometric Model for Multiplication
Rectangular Arrays What are all of the rectangles you can build with the factors of the number 24? Build a rectangle: How would you name this rectangle? What is the multiplication fact you’ve modeled? What do you notice?

30 Multiplicative Reasoning
Quantitative relationships center around equal-sized groups Whether dealing with place value or operations, in order to reason multiplicatively, students must understand the idea that composite groups (groups of more than one) can be counted multiple times and operated on as an entity

31 Solve Using Two Methods
5 x 63 = ? Try solving 4 x 27 using a new/different strategy

32 Array Model How would 63 x 5 work as an array model? 60 3 300 15 5
What would 63 x 57 look like as an array?

33 Array Model 60 3 Partial Products: 3000 150 420 + 21 3591 3000 150 50 420 21 7

34 63 X 57 441 3150 3591 Array Model 60 3 3150 3000 150 50 441 420 21 7

35 Context is Key! For 32 ÷ 5 = Participant A: Answer is 6
Participant B: Answer is 6 r 2 Participant C: Answer is 7 Participant D: Answer is 6 2/5 Participant E: Answer is 6 or 7 …What is the question????

36 Multiplication Strategies
Using repeated addition Skip-counting Doubling Using partial products Using five-times and ten-times Doubling and halving Nifty nines Factoring and grouping flexibly Properties of mathematics (commutative, associative, distributive, identify)

37 SCOS: Fractions & Decimal s
Standard Course of Study Objectives for Fractions and Decimals Note the progression of ideas Check K-2 objectives What are the specific objectives for your grade?

38 Number Sort Sort the number cards into groups
95 Number Sort Sort the number cards into groups How did you sort the cards? How are the numbers alike? Sort the number cards into groups again How is your sort different from the first sort?

39 Classifying Numbers Why would we classify numbers with students?

40 1 10 Numbers Less Than One 2 4 Students need both procedural and conceptual understandings related to fractions and decimals 5 6 .68 3 5 .75 What makes fractions difficult for students? .09

41 Fraction Concepts & Skills
Name fractional parts as wholes and sets Understand different models of fractions Representing fractions using standard notation, concrete and pictorial representations Equivalence; relation to “whole” Compare and order fractions Compute with fractions Applications; Solving problems

42 Fractions:Reasons for Difficulties
Material is taught Too abstractly Too procedurally Without meaningful contexts Through rote memorization of procedures With attention on algorithms and less attention on number sense and reasoning Without connections With limited models

43 Area/Region Models Region is cut into equivalent parts
Regions may/may not be congruent Examples: pattern blocks, grid or dot paper, geoboards, circles, squares and other rectangles

44 Unit Fractions One of equal portions Numerator is 1
Denominator is number of equal portions

45 Exploring Fourths Red lines divide the figure into fourths
How many small squares in each fourth? Are each of these sections fourths? How do you know?

46 Tangrams Square divided into seven pieces
If the value of the entire square is 1, what is the value of each tangram piece? If the value of the large triangle is 1, how does this change the value of each tangram piece?

47 Caution Be sure to identify the whole or whole unit
Different pieces can be identified as the whole

48 Caution Be careful about using only a few models
Examples Be careful about using only a few models It is important to model fractions with manipulatives and also to draw fraction representations Include non-examples Non-examples

49 Linear Models Length is divided into smaller parts; lengths can be compared Examples: fraction tiles, paper strips, Cuisenaire rods, number lines, rulers

50 Linear Models Number Lines Useful tool for ordering fractions
Useful in helping students recognize that fractional parts can be subdivided (halves into fourths; fourths into eights) Yard or meter sticks can be linear models

51 Models to Symbols Top Number Bottom Number how many what
The counting number tells how many shares or parts Numerator -- Latin root meaning number Bottom Number Tells fractional part being counted If a 4, counting fourths or if a 6, counting sixths, and so on… Denominator -- Latin root meaning namer

52 Counting with Fractions
Count around the room Count around the room by halves Whole numbers stand Count by fourths Will more, fewer, or the same number of people be standing when we count by halves or fourths? Why?

53 Set Models Whole is total set of objects and subsets of the whole are fractional parts Number of objects not size is important Examples: counters, people, M & Ms, discrete objects

54 Set Models Describe your table group with 3 – 4 fraction statements
One-half of the group is male One-half of the group is wearing a hat

55 Set Models Sets with color tiles One-half of the set is red
Two-thirds of the set is blue Three-sevenths of the set is yellow and one-seventh is green One-third of the set is yellow, one-sixth is red, and one-half is green

56 Set Models The idea of referring to a collection of objects as a single whole may be confusing Three objects is one-fourth of a set of two-color counters When partitioning sets, children frequently confuse the number of counters in a share with the name of the share

57 Comparing Fractions Like denominators – When denominators are the same, the fraction with the bigger numerator is larger because there are more of the same-sized parts… Ex. 3/8 < 6/8 Like numerators – When numerators are the same, the fraction with the smaller denominator is larger because the size of the parts is larger… Ex. 2/5 > 2/8

58 Comparing Fractions More or less than 0, 1/2, 1 – Fractions can be compared by determining whether they are more than or less than a benchmark number Distance from 0, 1/2, 1 – Fractions can be compared by finding the distances from a benchmark number and then comparing the distances (Ex. 5/6 < 7/8 because 7/8 is closer to 1 since it is only 1/8 away)

59 Caution Be cautious of teaching rules or algorithms for comparing two fractions Rules require no thought about the size of the fractions Students must develop number sense about fraction size

60 Caution A fraction tells only about the relationship between the part and the whole It does not say anything about the size of the whole or the size of the parts Comparisons with any model can be made only if both fractions are parts of the same whole

61 Adding & Subtracting Fractions
1. cherry + orange = 2. lime + blueberry = 3. lemon + cherry = 4. blueberry + lemon = 5. orange + lime + blueberry = 6. One sweetie bar - orange = 7. One sweetie bar - blueberry = Sweetie Bar

62 Adding & Subtracting Fractions
Explore unlike denominators with models Use simple contextual tasks Paul and his brother were eating the same kind of pizza. Paul had 3/4 of his pizza. His brother still had 7/8 of a pizza. How much pizza did the two boys have together? Estimate answers and check for reasonableness of solutions

63 Decimals In what real world situations do we use decimals?
Are there times when it is easier to use a decimal notation rather than a fraction notation?

64 3 ¾ 3.75 Representations Compare these two numbers
How are the numbers alike and how are they different? 3.75 3 ¾

65 Connections Decimals allow us to represent fractional quantities using our base ten number system Tasks and multiple representations help students connect fractions and decimals and see how they represent the same concepts

66 Strategies Familiar fraction models can be used to explore decimals
2/4 = .50 = 1/2 = .5 Familiar fraction models can be used to explore decimals Base ten system can be extended to include numbers less than one as well as large numbers Models help make meaningful translations and connections between fractions & decimals

67 Extending Models 10 x 10 Square Ten-frame Two-color counters
Fraction circles Base 10 blocks Decimal circles

68 Decimals on the Meter Stick
If the meter is 1 whole, how would you represent 2.45 concretely using meter sticks, rods or longs, and unit cubes? How can the model be used to show equivalence? Is 0.3 the same amount as 0.30? How can you tell? Are they the same length?

69 Connection to Measurement
If the length of the meter represents one unit, what is the decimal value of the decimeters, centimeters, and millimeters? Represent each number using the meter stick and place value blocks

70 Important Ideas Students can make sense of decimals through models – they need to develop a sense of the magnitude of the numbers Models can help students focus on place value instead of face value (.18 < .2 even though 18 > 2) Models need to be connected to notation symbols and to fractions as parts of wholes

71 Reflection In grade level groups, identify which objectives fall under each big idea

72 DPI Mathematics Staff Everly Broadway, Leanne Barefoot Robin Barbour
Carmella Fair Chief Consultant Mary H. Russell Johannah Maynor Partners for Mathematics Learning is a Mathematics-Science Partnership Project funded by the NC Department of Public Instruction. Permission is granted for the use of these materials in professional development in North Carolina Partner school districts. Partners for Mathematics Learning

73 PML Consultants Amanda Baucom Julia Cazin Anna Corbett Gail Cotton
Ryan Dougherty Tery Gunter Kathy Harris Joyce Hodges Karen McCain Vicki Moss Kayonna Pitchford Ron Powell Susan Riddle Judith Rucker Shana Runge Kitty Rutherford Penny Shockley Pat Sickles Nancy Teague Bob Vorbroker Jan Wessell Carol Williams Stacy Wozny Tim Hendrix, Advisor Anita Bowman, Evaluator Freda Ballard, Technology Meghan Griffith, Administrative Assistant 73

74 Partners Writers Ana Floyd Jeane Joyner Rendy King Katherine Mawhinney
Gemma Mojica Elizabeth Murray Wendy Rich Catherine Stein Please give appropriate credit to the Partners for Mathematics Learning project when using these materials. Permission is granted for their use in professional development in North Carolina Partner school districts. Jeane Joyner, Project Director Partners for Mathematics Learning

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