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Presentation on theme: "SMUFU NEGOTIATIONS REPORT"— Presentation transcript:

September 4, 2018

2 SMUFU Team Employer’s Team Vic Catano, Chief Negotiator
Nicole Carter, Library Catherine Loughlin, Management Rob Thacker, Physics & Astronomy Lyubov Zhyznomirska, Political Science  Employer’s Team Gabe Morrison, AP Admin, Chief Negotiator Kennedy Fitzgerald, HR Steven Smith, Assoc VP, Acting Registrar Kim Squires, HR

3 What’s Been Agreed So Far
Added “Community engaged” to forms of scholarship Updated Occupational Health and Safety Article Reduced paper work: Annual reports, tenure, promotion recommendations may be in electronic form Fixed several typos referencing wrong articles VPAR will now sign part-time faculty appointment letters Greater involvement of Librarians in preparing job ad for Univerdity Librarian Members of Appointments and University Review Committes must undergo equity training

4 What’s Been Agreed So Far
A copy of Dean’s letter soliciting external reviewers must be sent to Department Chair Clarified URC options when receiving either a positive or negative Department recommendation VPAR will now make final decision on appointing Chairs, Coordinators, etc. No Chair, Coordinator, etc. may serve more than two terms Faculty may hold office hours “elsewhere” on campus other than office Persons or committees shall be alerted to the inherent strength and weaknesses of student evaluations

5 What’s Been Agreed So Far
The new procedures for meeting potential academic administrators now formally part of Collective Agreement. “Where an Employee seeks a reduction in teaching through the operation of (b), the Employer shall grant the teaching reduction should the Employee be successful in obtaining external funding for research from those granting agencies on a list recommended by the Dean of FGSR and approved by the VPAR.”

6 What’s Been Agreed So Far
Extended Emergency Leave (That we dare not call Family Caregiver leave): Unpaid leave of up to 35 weeks covered by EI for caregiving of family members, following recent federal legislation. Pregnancy and Parental leave – Updated to meet the standards of the recent federal legislation. 17 weeks of pregnancy leave covered by EI and supplemented to 95% of salary 61 weeks of parental leave or 78 weeks following pregnancy leave Supplemental benefits of 95% for first 9 weeks of EI if on 35 week leave; or supplemental benefits of 73% for first 9 weeks of EI if on 61 week parental leave Pregnancy or parental leave does not break continuous service required for administrative leave

7 And Now The Bad Money Issues
Faculty Salaries – increase by 1% in each of three years Lecturer Stream Salaries – increase by 1% in each of three years Librarian salaries – First a market adjustment that would still keep the Librarian scales lower than other Atlantic universities and then 1% in each of three years

8 2016 Average salary (Mean) Atlantic Universities
Lecturer Asst Assoc Full Total Dalhousie University 94750 105650 126950 157875 134425 University of Prince Edward Island 99700 124625 152575 126500 Memorial University of Newfoundland 80775 97000 122650 153125 125425 University of New Brunswick 101075 92725 116300 145925 122175 Mount Allison University 89025 118525 143475 122150 Saint Mary's University 76475 96525 114925 143025 120825 Total Nova Scotia 81600 95600 114650 144375 119275 St. Thomas University 84825 114525 139425 116325 Université de Moncton, Campus de Moncton 73125 92950 109725 137150 112925 Mount Saint Vincent University 83425 109550 132225 110350 Acadia University 74500 86050 104225 120525 109025 St. Francis Xavier University 82275 82100 105825 137125 108075 NSCAD University 93375 127775 107325 Cape Breton University 85550 89175 104725 129625 101550

9 And Now The Bad Honorarium for Chairs and Program Coordinators – increase of 0.75% in each of three years, Professional Expense Reimbursement - increase of 0.75% in each of three years Honorarium for Library Coordinators – 0% increase in each of three years Travel Expense Fund – 0% increase in each of three years Moving Expenses for New Hires – 0% increase in each of three years, Stipends for thesis supervision – 0% increase in each of three years

10 And Now The Ugly Refusal to increase contribution to Health and Benefits Trust Fund, or to fund in any way Retiree health coverage Refusal to increase limited term appointments from 8 months to 9 months. Refusal to increase by one, the number of course buyouts for the SMUFU Executive. Refusal to increase the number of vacation days for Librarians Refusal to increase the 1990’s cap on Early Retirement benefits Refusal to extend Retirement incentives to Employees over age 67. Refusal to discuss increase to pension contributions. Refusal to reduce teaching load for Lecture Stream faculty, to provide adequate sabbatical leaves, and to review appropriateness of original appointments.

11 What’s Next? We have gone about as far as we can go at the table without a show of support from the membership. What do you want to do?


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