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The 2008 Christmas Fund Advent Candle Liturgy

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1 The 2008 Christmas Fund Advent Candle Liturgy
Reading will begin on Slide 3

2 The First Sunday in Advent
November 30, 2008 The Christmas fund offers hope through pension supplements to active and retired clergy and active and retired lay employees who have brought good tidings to churches throughout the United Church of Christ. Reading will begin on Slide 3

3 You who bring good tidings to Zion, go up on a high mountain.
You who bring good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, “Here is your God.” (Is 40:9 NIV) Reader 1: You who bring good tidings to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You who bring good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, “Here is your God.” (Is 40:9 NIV)

4 We lift up our voices with a fearless shout and a promise of hope.
This is Advent, our season of good tidings and here is the Candle of Hope. We light it with the new commitment that our voices, too, will be lit and lifted by hopeful words. Reader 2: We lift up our voices with a fearless shout and a promise of hope. This is Advent, our season of good tidings and here is the Candle of Hope. We light it with the new commitment that our voices, too, will be lit and lifted by hopeful words.

5 The Candle of Hope Lighter: (Lights the First Candle)
The Christmas fund offers hope through pension supplements to active and retired clergy and active and retired lay employees who have brought good tidings to churches throughout the United Church of Christ.

6 The good tidings of this season proclaim the birth of the Messiah once, and over and over again in our lives. People have shared these good tidings with us – some have been pastors, teachers, musicians … some parents, grandparents, neighbors, friends … some even strangers. We pause this morning to remember the hopeful ones, who with shouts or whispers have changed our lives. We lift them up. (Moment of Silence People may feel free to softly voice names of those who have brought them good tidings.) Reader 1: The good tidings of this season proclaim the birth of the Messiah once, and over and over again in our lives People have shared these good tidings with us – some have been pastors, teachers, musicians … some parents, grandparents, neighbors, friends … some even strangers. We pause this morning to remember the hopeful ones, who with shouts or whispers have changed our lives. We lift them up. (Silence. People may feel free to softly voice names of those who have brought them good tidings.)

7 (Let us pray) Emmanuel, you come into our lives and tell us, “be not afraid.” You have put those words into the voices of others and we have listened. Now in this season of waiting and hoping and giving birth we are beginning to understand how to join the procession of your people of all times and places lifting up our own voices Amen. Reader 2: (Let us pray) Emmanuel, you come into our lives and tell us, “be not afraid.” You have put those words the voices of others and we have listened. Now in this season of waiting and hoping and giving birth we are beginning to understand how to join the procession of your people of all times and places lifting up our own voices. Amen.

8 Unison Prayer Lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid … (Is40: 9b NIV) Emmanuel, God-with-us long ago and now and always, we lift up our fearless voices in thanks for the procession of your people of all times and places who have shared your good tidings in word and song, in church school classes, green boughs and Advent bulletins. We lift our voices in wonder at the beauties of this season just beginning and in hope that, as you have welcomed us, we may welcome all your children Amen. Unison Prayer Option: Lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid … (Is40: 9b NIV) Emmanuel, God-with-us long ago and now and always, we lift up our fearless voices in thanks for the procession of your people of all times and places who have shared your good tidings in word and song, in church school classes, green boughs and Advent bulletins. We lift our voices in wonder at the beauties of this season just beginning and in hope that, as you have welcomed us, we may welcome all your children. Amen.

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