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Major European Religions: Christianity

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1 Major European Religions: Christianity
S. Thomas 6th grade Social Studies

2 The Standard SS6G11 (b) – Describe the major religions of Europe; including Judaism, Islam, and Christianity

3 The “Essentials” 1. What is monotheism?
2. What God is worshipped in each religion? 3. What are the followers called in each religion? 4. Who is the founder for each religion? 5. What are the other major characteristics of each religion?

*NOTES* THE RISE OF CHRISTIANITY / CHRISTIAN BELIEFS Jesus Christ- believed to be the messiah (savior) promised by GOD in the Old Testament born a Jew and Roman subject in Bethlehem (present-day Israel) - Followers are called Christians; Holy Book - Bible Freed believers from sin and offered resurrection in the afterlife Age 30, Jesus taught, did good works and performed miracles Crucified by Jews and Romans at age 33 Rose from the dead after 3 days

5 Why did Jesus’ followers think he was the Messiah?
After Jesus’ death, his body was placed in a tomb. After 3 days he appeared to his followers. This convinced his followers that he was the Messiah.

6 Christianity Spreads All of Jesus’ followers spread his ideas.
Teachings did not contradict Jewish law; his first followers were Jews. A new religion is born based on the teachings of Jesus.

7 A New World Religion The widespread appeal of Christianity:
Embraced all people Gave hope to the powerless Appealed to those who were against the extravagances of Rome Offered personal relationship with God Promised eternal life after death.

8 Holy, Holy, Holy!!! Christmas – the birth of Jesus Christ
Good Friday – the day Jesus was crucified for our sins Easter – the day he arose from the dead

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