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Monday, September 24, 2011 Essential Question: Where did the Renaissance begin and how did the ideas of the Renaissance spread? Standard: SSWH9 The student.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, September 24, 2011 Essential Question: Where did the Renaissance begin and how did the ideas of the Renaissance spread? Standard: SSWH9 The student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, September 24, 2011 Essential Question: Where did the Renaissance begin and how did the ideas of the Renaissance spread? Standard: SSWH9 The student will analyze the change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation. A. Explain the social, economic and political changes that contributed to the rise of Florence and the ideas of Machiavelli

2 Monday, September 26, 2011 Bell work: What did you learn about the Middle Ages? Unpack Standard 9 Notes: The Renaissance Reading Assignment: The students will read and discuss answer to questions about Machiavelli and The Prince. Writing Assignment: Write an essay about the Renaissance and explain the social, economic and political ideas that defined the age.

3 Economic, and Political Values
The Social, Economic, and Political Values of the Renaissance

4 What you need to learn today:
Where did the Renaissance begin and how did the ideas of the Renaissance spread (Florence)? What were the social, economic and political ideas of the Renaissance (define Renaissance, know and understand the importance of patronage, identify Niccolo Machiavelli)?

5 House Keeping Make sure that the date is in the upper corner and the title is across the top. You will need to pay attention. The notes I will show you are only ½ of the answers. The other half comes from what I say. You will need these notes at the end of class. You may only do my class work. You should have paper and a writing utensil.

6 "The Vitruvian Man" by di Vinchi

7 "The Mona Lisa" by di Vinchi


9 What was the Renaissance?
An age in European History between 1300 and 1500 humanity returns to a classical civilization. Changes took place in many areas: Social Economic, Political What was the Renaissance? “An age in European History between 1300 and 1500 in which humanity returns to a classical civilization. Changes took place in many areas: government, social, economic, and cultural.” It was the “Rebirth” of a classical way of life. A better term for it would have been “Re-discovery” of the classical way. The works of the Greeks and Romans had been preserved by the Byzantine Empire, the Muslim Empire, and the Church.

10 It began in Italy around 1360 and spread to Northern Europe in the mid-1400’s

11 What was the Renaissance?
It began in Italy and spread to Northern Europe. Why Italy? The Conditions were right: Rich cities from trade Patrons: The rich merchants of the Italian City States who used their money to support the arts. The Classical Heritage The lack of a powerful king. 1. Roman Heritage

12 What was the Renaissance?
2. Rich and independent city-states It began in Italy and spread to Northern Europe. Why Italy? The Conditions were right: Rich cities from trade Patrons: The rich merchants of the Italian City States who used their money to support the arts. The Classical Heritage The lack of a powerful king.

13 What was the Renaissance? 3. The Patrons: The Medici Family
It began in Italy and spread to Northern Europe. Why Italy? The Conditions were right: Rich cities from trade Patrons: The rich merchants of the Italian City States who used their money to support the arts. The Classical Heritage The lack of a powerful king. 3. The Patrons: The Medici Family

14 Review: Where did the Renaissance begin and how did the ideas of the Renaissance spread (Florence)?

15 What you need to learn today:
What were the social, economic and political ideas of the Renaissance (define Renaissance, know and understand the importance of patronage, identify Niccolo Machiavelli)?

16 Renaissance Characteristics
Social Values: The Renaissance Attitude A secular world view: Education was important A renewed interest in answering “Why”. Achievement was celebrated!!!!! These ideas only applied to the Upper and Middle Class Man Social ideas: The Renaissance Attitude A secular world view: The people of the renaissance now looked at life as a time to enjoy and live up. During the Middle Ages, life was suppose to be a preparation for the afterlife. Education was important People had to be educated in order to function in life. The curriculum was the classical learning of the Greeks and the Romans. A man was supposed to have many talents but be good at one thing. A renewed interest in answering “Why”. A new interest in humans and the natural world developed Achievement was celebrated!!!!! To be known, a man had to have man different achievements. He also had to let people know what he did. These ideas only applied to the Upper and Middle Class Man The Upper and Middle Class woman was supposed to be charming, good looking and able to have an educated conversation. She was not suppose to achieve Lower classes were supposed to work to support the Upper and Middle Classes.

17 Renaissance Characteristics
Economics Values Money was now important: Buy things, Positions, Power! If you had money, you had power Patronage The idea that a rich person was suppose to use their money to support art, architecture, literature, and education An artist who worked for a patron was required to make his patron look good. Economics Money was now important The crusades and the High Middle Ages had re-started trade With the re-start of trade and the rise of the Burgers, the overall income of people rose. They had more than enough money to buy the tings that they needed so they began to desire more luxury. If you had money, you had power The Burgers used their money to buy status and improve their lives They bribed people in power and they used their money to show the poor that they were great people. Patronage The idea that a rich person was suppose to use their money to support art, architecture, literature, and education An artist who worked for a patron was required to make his patron look good.

18 Renaissance Characteristics
Politics purely secular. No religious influence. The wealthy merchant families and Kings used their money to rule their areas. Politics The government of the Renaissance was purely secular. Religion had very little influence over the rulers. The wealthy merchant families and Kings used their money to rule their areas.

19 What you need to learn today:
Where did the Renaissance begin and how did the ideas of the Renaissance spread (Florence)? What were the social, economic and political ideas of the Renaissance (define Renaissance, know and understand the importance of patronage, identify Niccolo Machiavelli)?

20 “The Ends Justify the Means”
"The Prince" “The Ends Justify the Means”

21 Tuesday, September 27, 2011 Essential Question: What was meant by the term “Renaissance Man” and how did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo fit this term? Standard:SSWH9 The student will analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation. b. Identify artistic and scientific achievements of Leonardo da Vinci, the “Renaissance man,” and Michelangelo.

22 Tuesday, September 27, 2011: Agenda
Bell work: What was Machiavelli's view on government? Read excerpt from the “Prince” and discuss Essay on social, political and economic values of the Renaissance. Notes: The Renaissance Man Discuss the art of Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo

23 Your Assignment Identify the Renaissance and explain the social, economic and political ideas that defined this age.

24 The “Renaissance Man” A universal man who has many talents. (Ex: write, sing, dance, produce art, and sword fight) Highly educated Expert in your field Man of achievement

25 Leonardo Da Vinci Talents in engineering, human anatomy, mathematical experiments and art. Scientific achievements included Study human body – muscle and bones Designed hundreds of machines- airplane and submarine Artistic achievements included The Mona Lisa The Last Supper

26 Michelangelo Talented architect, sculptor, painter, poet, and engineer of the Italian Renaissance Greatest architectural achievement designed the dome at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome Sculpture of David Mural of the Sistine Chapel Sculpture of “Pieta” – Mary holding the Crucified Jesus


28 Pieta

29 Assignment Look at the following pictures. Answer:
What do these pictures tell us about Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo? What are your 3 favorite works of art? Why?

30 The Masters of the Renaissance

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