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News Filter.

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Presentation on theme: "News Filter."— Presentation transcript:

1 News Filter

2 Problem/Need Unsafe Influenced Misperception, Insecurity,
Sponsored Hatred, Conflict. The need is to get in touch with real and trustworthy news.

3 solution A website that creates the opportunity to receive information from official sources, which will thus provide assurance on what is the official opinion of the Balkan countries.

4 RTK B92 RTSH Same topic Translated Website

5 Customer Segments Different ages Different Background Special focus on Political, Cultural, Economic issues The website includes a large region (Balkan States)

6 Marketing Public Television Social Networks

Real News (Official news) In time Collaboration of news from Balkan states Language diversity User friendly

8 KEY metrics Clicks Users Reactions Key topics- impact Poll FeedBack

9 Cost stRUcture Product Quantity Price Total per product Domain 1 20€
Hosting 30€ Programmer (Back End) 1500€ Designer (Front End) 600€ Publisher 200€ Translator 2 300€ Marketing 800€ TOTAL : €

10 Revenue Streams Google ads Microsoft Bing Ads
Ads from different companies.

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