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The Looking Glass Suite

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1 The Looking Glass Suite
Presented to the PS MPUG May 20, 2003 By Scott Button Spherical Angle Inc. The Looking Glass Suite 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

2 About Spherical Angle Privately held S-Corporation located in Hickory, NC. Founded in 2001 by two IT managers from a fortune 500 company Added managing partners Rizzo and Button June, 2002. Part time staff includes 12 IT professionals Development done by a supplier. 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

3 Overview is a Single Project Theory of Constraints (TOC) add-in module for Microsoft® Project. is a multi-project TOC add-in module for Microsoft® Project module is a graphical executive information system. 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

4 Why the TOC Multi-Project Solution?
Simulation of the multi-project environment. Simulation using Tony’s project simulator, showing that multitasking increases the duration of the projects, using the Placeholder Sheet. Also show proper scheduling and stagger according to TOC method, using the Planning Buffer Sheet. 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

5 Success Stories Confluence (Software Development)
Corning Cable Systems (IT Department) XYZ Co. (Production Assy) Note, these implementations used the TOC Multi-project approach, with other software packages. Three charts that show results from Confluence, Corning, and from an assembly area, company name confidential. 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

6 Confluence Client Delays (TOC) 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

7 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

8 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

9 Days Late Per Project

10 Average Days Late


12 Features Network Evaluation Resolves resource contention
Identifies critical chain. Calculates and inserts project buffers, feeding buffers, drum, bottleneck and event buffers. Provides integrated Task Update that identifies buffer incursion Calculates and displays buffer incursion including values less than 0% and greater than 100%. Provides integrated, text-based project and resource reports. Provides objective measurements for task level prioritization. (Task Damage Ratio). Honors user-specified inputs for task sequencing.

13 Redundant Links (In Red, below)
11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

14 Bottleneck Buffers B D B D B D Bottleneck Res. Drum Res.
11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

15 Event Buffers E Important Event. Event Buffer. 11/16/2018
Spherical Angle

16 Protection Ratio Now Protect. Ratio =100% 5 5 5 5 10 Now
Buffer Remaining/Buffer Needed Project Buffer. = 5/Sqrt(75) 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

17 Demo A Brief Walk Through is available on the Spherical Angle website. To view it, click on the ‘View a Walk Through’ hyperlink at the top of the cc-Pulse page. More Information Launch MS Project Show toolbar Run 4 CC scheduling buttons Go To tracking mode Show task updates & Buffer incursion. 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

18 Features Staggers projects based on a drum resource.
Controls settings for drum feeding or bottleneck feeding buffers in cc-Pulse. Updates the expected starts of drum tasks, across all projects, based on the availability of the drum resources. Will not over-write user defined task constraints. 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

19 Features Multi-Project View Single Project View SPC Charts 11/16/2018
Spherical Angle

20 Multi-Project View 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

21 Single Project View 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

22 Run Charts 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

23 Specifications OS: Windows 98, 2000, XP;NT 4.0 and later.
MS Project 2000, 2002 (98 does not support COM add-in extensions). Tested in Win 2000 with MSP Spot testing in other environments. Component Object Model (COM) is Microsoft's framework for developing and supporting program component objects. 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

24 Partnership With Consultants and Academics
Discounts to clients when software purchased through Consultants Spherical Angle will not compete for theory training and implementation services No charge for software or software training for consultants. Theory training materials available to consultants via licensee program. Scott’s understanding of our policies. 11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

25 Availability June, 2003 July, 2003 Fall, 2003 Sign up for notices at:
11/16/2018 Spherical Angle

26 Questions 11/16/2018

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