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Invent Yourself: Language Barriers

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1 Invent Yourself: Language Barriers
LaplaceWitches Nanjing Foreign Language School

2 Invent Yourself: Language Barriers
2017 IYNT Invent Yourself: Language Barriers 01. INITIAL THOUGHTS 1. Topic Review LaplaceWitches 2. Key Words 02. THE EXPERIMENT 3. Introduction of the experiment 4. Basic Knowledge about linguistics 5. Analyzing and planning 6. Calculating phonetic and lexical differences 7. The Experiment

3 Topic Review TORNADO MACHINE Speakers of related but different languages can sometimes understand each other, without any prior international study. Propose an interesting study of such a mutual intelligibility. Investigate it experimentally for the pairs of dialects or languages of your choice. Introduce and determine quantitative parameters. Build

4 Related but different languages or dialects.
Key Words Related but different languages or dialects. Without any prior international study. TORNADO MACHINE Build

5 Introduction of the experiment
Three mainland Scandinavian languages Danish Swedish Norwegian Measure the mutual intelligibility of these languages TORNADO MACHINE Build

6 Basic elements of linguistics
TORNADO MACHINE Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Build

7 Analyzing and planning
TORNADO MACHINE Two factors Contact Difference Build

8 Phonetic and lexical differences
Types of languages Differences Norwegian-Danish phonetic Norwegian-Swedish lexical Swedish-Danish Phonetic and lexical Build

9 The Experiment TORNADO MACHINE Listeners from different language departments of Beijing foreign studies University who study Danish, Norwegian, Swedish . Build

10 Students who study Danish “Danish” From Denmark
The Experiment Students who study Danish “Danish” From Denmark Students who study Swedish “Swedish” From Sweden Students who study Norwegian “Norwegian” From Norway

11 Table One An overview in given of the listeners and the languages that they were tested.

12 Chart of people participating in the test
Norwegian Swedish Danish Norway 96 76 Sweden 62 28 Denmark 69 68 Build

13 A news item about environment protecting.
Task TORNADO MACHINE A news item about environment protecting. Be translated from Norwegian into Danish and Swedish. Open questions 2 points for completely correct, 1 point for partly correct, 0 point for incorrect. Forming the intelligibility score. Build

14 Clear Data of the Result
Danish Norwegian Swedish Denmark 58 48 Norway 80 88 Sweden 24 82 Build

15 Mutual intelligibility is highest between Norwegians and Swedes.
TORNADO MACHINE Mutual intelligibility is highest between Norwegians and Swedes. Danish is hard for Swedes. It is important to pay attention to geographical background of the listeners. Build

16 Calculate the Phonetic differences
The Levenshtein distance. gatorna gaderne skuttar hopper Based upon minimum number of symbols that need to be inserted, deleted or substituted in order to transform it correctly. TORNADO MACHINE . Build

17 Calculating Points Insertions and deletions 1 point,
Identical symbols 0 points, Substitutions of a vowel by a vowel or of a consonant by a consonant 0.5 point, Substitutions of a vowel by a consonant or of a consonant by a vowel 1 point, Diacritics were joined with the preceding symbol, adding an extra 0.25 point. TORNADO MACHINE Build

18 The largest differences are between Danish and Swedish.
Table Five TORNADO MACHINE The phonetic distance between the language of the Listeners and the test languages. The largest differences are between Danish and Swedish. Build

19 Table Five

20 Danish listeners have fewer difficulties with Swedish.
Conclusions Swedish-speaking listeners have the greatest difficulties understanding Danish. Danish listeners have fewer difficulties with Swedish. Swedish-Norwegian mutual intelligibility is high Correlations between intelligibility scores and linguistic distance showed that intelligibility can be predicted by phonetic distances. TORNADO MACHINE Build

21 Refinements of the distance measurements. Include different varieties.
Further Discussion TORNADO MACHINE Refinements of the distance measurements. Include different varieties. More detailed analysis. Contact and attitude factors. Build

22 . Referances Build TORNADO MACHINE
Andersson, E. and Reuter, M. (1997) Finlandssvensk spra°kva°rd som minoritetsstrategi [Fenno-Swedish language preservation as a minority strategy]. In S. Løland, A.M. Gustafsson, K. Arnason and B. Lindgren. (eds) Spra°k i Norden (pp. 78_92). Oslo: Novus. Bø, I. (1978) Ungdom og naboland [Youth and Neighboring Country]. Stavanger: Rogalandsforskning (rapport 4). Bo¨ restam, U. (1987) Dansk-svensk spra°kgemenskap pa° undantag [Danish_Swedish Language Community as a Special Case]. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. Braunmu¨ ller, K. and Zeevaert, L. (2001) Semikommunikation, rezeptive Mehrsprachigkeit TORNADO MACHINE . Build

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