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Dances Or in the form of cultural dances Youth Alive Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Dances Or in the form of cultural dances Youth Alive Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dances Or in the form of cultural dances Youth Alive Training

2 Skits Or offer skits, they will know each other better, and will recognize the positive aspects of each other. Youth Alive Training

3 “Warm Fuzzies”, encouraging notes
Then they will be ready to send Warm Fuzzies/encouraging notes to others, and post them on the Warm Fuzzy board, the Post Office of Youth Alive. Youth Alive Training

4 Two protective factors from risk behaviors
Getting connected with God Getting connected with one another Two protective factors from risk behaviors As mentioned in the devotional, the two vital factors that protect youth from getting involved in at-risk behaviors according to the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health are: Getting connected with God Getting connected with one another Youth Alive Training

5 Jesus, the highest power, needs to be the center of all activities
As they get connected with God, they will value others as a child of God – making it easier for the connectedness to take place Without this, the program may be fun and entertaining, but not successful in preventing at-risk behaviors Jesus Christ, the highest power, needs to be the center of all the activities. As they get connected with God, they will value others as children of God, making it easier for the connectedness to take place among youth with other youth and adults. Without this, the program may be fun and entertaining, but it will not be successful in preventing at-risk behaviors. Youth Alive Training

6 Accepted in all cultures
It is amazing that wherever the program using the Youth Alive principles is launched, a vast majority feel very positive about it. Representatives have come from a variety of cultures, such as: American, Romanian, Russian, Czech, German, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Malaysian, Indonesian, Filipino, African, French, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish and more. Indeed, transporting the positive heavenly atmosphere here below, based on the “Honor, Dignity, and Respect” philosophy, valuing each other as children of God, is accepted in all cultures. Youth Alive Training

7 Responses from SDA participants
A glimpse of responses from various Seventh-day Adventist participants: Youth Alive Training

8 “This is one thing that the Adventist Church needs to really adopt and get serious throughout the Adventist Church and throughout the world. Because I believe if every single person in the world could go here, there’d be no drugs. I mean this influenced me that much.” Asian “This is one thing that the Adventist church needs to really adopt and get serious throughout the Adventist church and throughout the world. Because I believe if every single person in the world could go here, there’d be no drugs. I mean this influenced me that much.” (Asian) Youth Alive Training

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