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AmeriCorps Promise Fellows Kickoff!
Welcome to our First Corps meeting! We have corps meeting, with our ‘small corps’ throughout the year. These meetings are required, as they provide valuable time to connect with each other, share tools & resources, and take part in essential training tied to your service throughout the service term. We look forward to these meetings being an opportunity for you all to share you voice, experiences, and expertise with each other. Promise Fellow Model
Goals/Agenda Training – Small Corps Group, Calendar, and Deadlines
MTSS – Roles of a Promise Fellow Identifying Focus List Students – Referral Process Attendance Behavior through SEI Interventions Promise Fellow Activities (NEW!) Site Activities Tools to Collect Baseline Expectations for Small Corps #1 Parking Lot Put any questions that you have on sticky notes on the back of the room throughout our time together We look forward to beginning the service term with you all! Welcome to our First Corps Meeting! We know you are all being plugged into your host site and service year; there is a lot of information to process. Know that we will make sure you know what you need to know, when you need to know it Today we will be covering a great deal of information pertaining to getting orientated to your AmeriCorps/Alliance, the Alliance Model, and how to make the most out of your service term. We will be covering details related to your service hours and time sheets There will be time to ask additional questions -Review Goals/agenda
Training – Corps, Calendar, & Deadlines
Highlight circles!
Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Youth Success Teams (including Promise Fellows) provide a continuum of supports to youth by: Continually collecting and analyzing student Attendance, Engagement, and Work Completion Forming and maintaining Focus Lists Planning and implementing strategies The Promise Fellow model is designed as a Tier 2 intervention. PFs in both schools and community based organizations provide supports to youth in grades 6 – 12 to support attendance, behavior, and course performance – early indicators that shows us if a student is likely to engage or disengage in school and life. These intervention strategies, geared to the ABC’s, are recruiting & connecting caring adults with youth, aligning high quality in and out of school activities, and connecting youth with service and leadership opportunities.
Only need 3 students for Small Corps #1!
Focus List Youth Qualify! Qualify! Can’t Qualify! Talk through the model and how it’s interconnected. Then as for work completion, we are not just a tutoring program We will go through the Benchmarks more during small corps #1. Essentially you are updating attendance and work completion quarterly/trimesterly Sep Starts Baseline Benchmark Oct 19th Oct Starts Baseline Benchmark Nov 16th Nov Starts Baseline Benchmark Dec 21st Only need 3 students for Small Corps #1! Sep 25th – Oct 5th
Promise Fellow Program: Referral Process for Support
Attendance Less than 90% attendance rate OR Tardy to school greater or equal to 40% Behavior 100 or less score on Student Engagement Instrument Minnesota Alliance With Youth Noam will review all Promise Fellow baseline to give feedback. This will ensure that you both get the coaching you need on our data system, and it will help make sure that we are serving the correct students Host Sites Middle Schools High Schools Community Sites
Behavioral Referral - Student Engagement Instrument Overview
Developed by Dr. James Appleton, Gwinnett County Public Schools, and Dr. Sandra Christenson, University of Minnesota Measures Psychological and Cognitive Engagement Teacher-student relationships Peer support for learning Family Support for learning Control and relevance to schoolwork Future aspirations and goals Intrinsic Motivations Psychological Engagement Please note that if you are in SPPS, that this is currently being approved. Please don’t do this with a student until I give the ok Teacher-student relationship statements: “Adults at my school listen to the student”, “The school rules are fair” Peer support for learning: “I have some friends at school”, “Other students at school care about me” Family support for learning: “My family/guardian(s) are there for me when I need them”, “My family/guardian(s) want me to keep trying when things are tough at school” Control and relevance of schoolwork: “The tests in my classes do a good job measuring what I’m able to do”, “Learning is fun because I get better at something” Future aspirations and goals: “I am hopeful about my future”, “School is important for achieving my future goals” Intrinsic motivation: “I’ll learn, but only if the teacher gives me a reward” Cognitive Engagement
Student Engagement Instrument (SEI) Administration
You’ll learn these in Youth Work 101 Youth Success Team Identifies* Student Through: Disengagement Head down in class Not Participating Few positive relationships or supports Punitive Behavior Referrals, detentions, or suspension *Not qualified for support yet Create Relationship using Establish, Maintain, & Restore Target students who have been identified Use Establish techniques to intentionally build positive relationships Administer SEI Choose the way that will promote the most engagement: Written Survey Informational Interview (one on one) Online Survey (access SC#1) Since the SEI is self-reported data, the Promise Fellow needs to have a relationship with the student Refer to the MTSS method to explain that even though a student might not qualify, you will still be building site wide relationships. Please note that you will have techniques to make relationships with students through Rachel’s “Youthwork 101” session
SEI Administration Administration Time Needed Form Behavior Threshold
Instructed during Kickoff Need to have worked on building positive intentional relationship first Taught how to record with OnCorps during Small Corps #1 Need 3 students for this meeting Time Needed 20-30 minutes Form Paper and pencil Online Version (available after SC #1) Behavior Threshold Need to have 100 or less (out of 140) SEI Administration – What Worked! Individual Pull Out (24) Paper Form (22) Google Online Form (11) Giving to entire class (10) Read Out Loud/Interview Students (7) Small Groups (7) A score of a 100 or less could represent complete disengagement in two of the 6 domains Highlight that if they use their own google form system and for the written versions at the beginning of the year, that they will have to retranslate each Promise Fellows individual answers into OnCorps. We will be providing more training and having Promise Fellows actively use the information provided by the domains
SEI Role Play Today I have a engagement questionnaire to learn about your experiences while attending school this year. Your feelings and opinions of your educational experience have a tremendous impact on academic engagement and motivation. Your responses will be confidential. Your honest answers will help me create a more engaging school environment. Have them go through and administer the SEI to each other (most likely only 1 of the 2 can be interviewed). Answer as your high school or middle school self.
Student Engagement Instrument Scoring
Behavior 100 or less score on Student Engagement Instrument Total SEI Score is made by Adding up every number that is selected Inversing questions 18 & 32 which represent Intrinsic Motivation Ex. If the student selected a 1, you should change that to be a 4 for totaling their score. It is better to answer lower on these two questions Please note that the online electronic survey will do the domain scoring and inverses for you. Stay tuned for small corps #1 How do you know if you qualified? If you are comfortable with sharing your final score, who thinks that this accurately shows your high school or middle school engagement? Add up your totals on the SEI’s that you did together!
Attendance Referral Quiz
Less than 90% attendance rate Tardy to school greater or equal to 40% Attendance Referral Quiz Which of these students qualify to be served? Student 1: In , attended school 170 out of 182 days Student 2: In trimester 3 of , missed 5 out of 58 days Student 3: In quarter 4, attended 12 out of 42 days Student 4: In the first two months of school, missed 4 out of 37 days Student 5: In semester 2 of , missed 10 out of 87 days Student 6: In quarter 1 of , missed first hour 10 out of 42 days Student 7: In trimester 1, attended 53 out of 58 days Student 8: In quarter 4 of , attended 40 out of 48 days #1-no, #2-no, #3-yes, #4-yes, #5-yes, #6-no, #7-no, #8-yes
Work Completion Way to Show Engagement!
Promise Fellows will ask for a summary student work completion from up to two classes/teachers Only needed from the primary class or classes (up to 2) that the Promise Fellow is helping – needs to be a yearlong course Can be found through: Academic database OR Teacher Rating Ranking Student has completed: 0 – 10% of work 10 – 20% of work 20 – 30% of work 30 – 40% of work 40 – 50% of work 50 – 60% of work 60 – 70% of work 70 – 80% of work 80 – 90% of work 90 – 100% or work Please remember that we aren’t solely a tutoring program, so a student cannot qualify for academics alone. Q: What if student is at 70%? A: Always put them in the lower category so they can show growth! AKA 60 – 70%
I’m in the toolbox! Please feel free to use as an email too
Work Completion Form I’m in the toolbox! Please feel free to use as an too
Promise Fellow Program: Referral Process Questions
Minnesota Alliance With Youth Referral Process Attendance Less than 90% attendance rate OR Tardy to school greater or equal to 40% Behavior 100 or less score on Student Engagement Instrument (Need to have worked on building an INTENTIONAL RELATIONSHIP prior to giving SEI) Host Sites Middle Schools High Schools Community Sites
Promise Fellow Program
Promise Fellow Program Activities Establish, Maintain, & Restore Woop Goal Setting Informational Interviewing Caring Adults Supports Informal mentoring and tutoring Youth Develop Skills and Confidence Increased School & Community Engagement 90 % Graduation Service & Service Learning Here is a visual logic model that outlines our program. All of you at the host sites represent our biggest partners. Then through national service, we train and guide AmeriCorps Promise Fellows to deliver interventions around Caring Adults, Service & Service-Learning, and Out-of-School supports. Our long term goal is to help youth develop skills and confident, to increase school & community engagement, and ultimately raise the state wide graduation rate to 90% Out-of-School Supports After school or Out of School Building academic support, recreation, or cultural engrichment
Tools to Collect Baseline and Interventions
Get Your Trackers! Go to Click AmeriCorps (top bar)
Click on Promise Fellow Toolbox (scroll down) Click on Training Materials And Calendar
Get Your Trackers! Small Corps #1 Resources
Download and Open! Work completion Handout Form Intervention Tracker Template OnCorps Baseline Tracker Template
Focus List Baseline Needs
Required Optional (strongly encouraged) Name Gender Birthdate Race/Ethnicity MARSS # Baseline Data Attendance, SEI*, & Work Completion ELL or Limited English Proficiency Student with Disabilities, IEP, or 504 plan Eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch* Student Parent Currently or recently experiencing homelessness Give out SPPS reality for what they can collect
Expectations for Small Corps #1 AKA What you Need to Bring
Between Kickoff and Small Corps #1 Do/Bring the Following:
With your Supervisor & Youth Success Team, identify youth for your focus list Need at least 3 for Small Corps #1 Need 10 by October 19th Bring Baseline Profile Information Need all information in OnCorps Baseline Tracker Bring Intervention Time Need all information in Intervention Tracker Give out SPPS reality for what they can collect In the next 3 weeks, you will have a chance to dig into this. Please realize that you may not start any of the identification process in your first week. Reminder for Homework Assignments due at next small Corps meeting. If you won’t have 10 youth identified please your Trainer. We will work together! On whiteboard or large wall sticky, have the group answer the following question: “What do you need to know in order to add a Focus List student”: Possible answers include: less than 90% attendance, 40% or more tardy rate, SEI of 100 or less, all baseline, work completion, Youth Success Team idenfication
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