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How do you ‘behave’ when using Agile on a PRINCE2 project?

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Presentation on theme: "How do you ‘behave’ when using Agile on a PRINCE2 project?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you ‘behave’ when using Agile on a PRINCE2 project?
Keith Richards #prince2agile

2 Presentation Structure
Introductions PRINCE2 Agile basics and context The advantages of PRINCE2 and agile PRINCE2 Agile behaviours The perfect marriage? Further information Close and questions.

3 Introductions Managing Director/CEO of agileKRC
agileKRC is a pioneering company at the forefront of agile thinking Specialising in all things agile (PRINCE2 Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Lean Startup, DSDM, AgilePM, everything!) Training, Consultancy, Coaching and People Lead author for the NEW PRINCE2 Agile product from AXELOS 20 years of experience with agile Detailed knowledge of PRINCE2 with agile and the DSDM Framework IAF Accredited / APMG Certified Facilitator Author of ‘Agile Project Management’ (TSO) Voted ‘Most Valuable Agile Player’ UK Agile Awards.

4 PRINCE2 Agile – some basics
Launched June 2015 Many ATOs are up and running (100+) Course lasts 3 days Exam is 2½ hours and is ‘challenging’ Exam pass rate is approx. 70% Manual is 340 pages Growing steadily after a slow start Initially, positioned poorly. #prince2agile

5 Is it worth doing PRINCE2 Agile?
Yes! Up to date Includes a lot of the newer agile thinking Includes Kanban, Cynefin and Lean Startup Very relevant, very good ‘One-stop shop’ for agile projects Builds on your investment No need to reinvent anything. #prince2agile

6 Always understand the context
Most of the information about Agile refers to a ‘Business as Usual’ (BAU) context/environment Using Agile in a project environment is more difficult You must categorise work appropriately …and don’t believe the myth that projects no longer exist! #prince2agile

7 Agile Advantages State of the art Feature prioritisation On time
Protects quality Small batches Responsive Fast feedback Already contains governance …but this isn’t just an IT thing. #prince2agile

8 Agile Disadvantages Nobody knows exactly what it is!
Some BAU concepts don’t cross over to projects easily People think it is ‘binary’ or ‘all in’ Self-organisation can be overplayed It is more than just a mind-set. #prince2agile

9 What is in PRINCE2 Agile?

10 PRINCE2 Agile behaviours

11 Transparency Not just visibility Honesty and integrity Quick

12 Exploration Build the right thing and build it right
Loops, experiments, spikes ‘Shorten the feedback loop’ Is it real feedback?

13 Collaboration Helping each other ‘what comes around goes around’
Two areas: Team Customer Successful sports teams do Not, ‘I have done my bit’.

14 Self-organisation Very powerful if carried out correctly
People nearest to the work ‘know best’ Ownership and buy-in …but they must know where the destination is Avoid self-direction.

15 Rich communication Often the biggest single problem
The written word is limited Face-to-face and visual Geographical separation needs care.

16 Traffic lights You need to make this happen
Agile uses timeboxing and needs to be on time

17 Blending PRINCE2 with agile

18 Agility, Governance and Control
The perfect marriage? Agility, Governance and Control

19 Further Information / Next Steps
Visit for several free RESOURCES Visit our YouTube channel ‘agileKRC’ Join ‘The Agile Projects Forum’ on LinkedIn Follow us on Link with me on LinkedIn Next PRINCE2 Agile course: 27th - 29th November 2017 (London)

20 PRINCE2 Agile: Any questions?

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