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Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS)

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Presentation on theme: "Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS)
Earning the CIPS designation & Membership Benefits United States and Canada

2 CIPS Designation Application Process
Upon completion of the 5 required courses: Complete the designation application located at Demonstrate 100 points of international experience on the application- 13 different categories to earn points. One time application fee of US$75.00 plus yearly membership dues. Dues are prorated based on the quarter in which you apply. Q1 (Jan, Feb, Mar)- $220 Q2 (Apr, May, Jun)- $165 Q3 (Jul, Aug, Sep)- $110 Q4 (Oct, Nov, Dec)(through the following year) - $220

3 CIPS Designation Application Process
3. Submit your application via to or mail to 430 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL Submit payment via online site *All credit card payments must be submitted online using the payment link on the application. Checks may be mailed to address above. *You must be an active member of the National Association of REALTORS® to earn and maintain the CIPS Designation.

4 CIPS Designation Application Process
5. CIPS team will review your application and contact you with any questions. This process can take up to two (2) weeks. 6. Once the review process is complete and you are approved, the CIPS team will your official approval with a website link to access member benefits. *Each new designee will receive a Membership Kit via mail. It contains the official designation certificate, CIPS pin and additional membership information.

5 CIPS Designation Application Process
Annual membership dues must be paid each year to CIPS in order to maintain and use the CIPS Designation and membership benefits. Designees will be billed via in November of each year for the following year’s membership. Yearly membership dues are $220. If you renew online before December 31st you receive a 10% discount off the membership dues ($198).

6 CIPS Membership Benefits
Networking opportunities Study Tours (New) CIPS online directory profile Search via name, location, language, country, country specializations Over 3,500 CIPS designees in 45 countries Dedicated private CIPS Facebook designee group Conference event discounts for CIPS designees CIPS Exclusive International networking opportunity at REALTOR® Conference & Expo

7 CIPS Membership Benefits
Business Development Tools Global Perspectives (bi-monthly printed/mailed business tool focused newsletter) Custom Referral form Browser Toolbar to quickly access membership benefits

8 CIPS Membership Benefits
Marketing and Media Tools Global Marketing Center (New) Study Tours (New) Power Point Slides for consumer listing and buyer presentations CIPS Facebook cover photo Customizable website banner ads Customizable Press Release CIPS Online Team store discount Order CIPS branded clothing at a discount ListHub Global Discount (85 publishers and 50 countries)

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