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Outline Parameter estimation – continued Non-parametric methods.

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Presentation on theme: "Outline Parameter estimation – continued Non-parametric methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline Parameter estimation – continued Non-parametric methods

2 Maximum-Likelihood Estimation
Assumptions We separate a collection of samples according to class D1, D2, ....., Dc Samples in Dj are drawn independently according to the probability p(x|wj) We assume that p(x|wj) has a known parametric form and is uniquely determined by the value of a parameter vector j To simplify further, we assume that samples in Di give no information about j if i  j 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

3 Maximum-Likelihood Estimation – cont.
Suppose that D contains n samples x1, ....., xn By assumption that samples were drawn independently, we have The maximum-likelihood estimate of  is the value of * that maximizes p(D| ) 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

4 Visual Perception Modeling
Bayesian Estimation Assumptions The form of the density p(x|q) is assumed to be known, but the value of the parameter vector q is not known exactly Our initial knowledge about q is assumed to be contained in a known prior density p(q) The rest of our knowledge about q is contained in a set D of n samples x1, ....., xn drawn independently according to the unknown probability density p(x) 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

5 Bayesian Estimation – cont.
General theory The basic problem is to compute the posterior density p(q|D) By Bayes formula we have By the independence assumption 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

6 Bayesian Estimation – cont.
Gaussian case The univariate case p(m|D) 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

7 Bayesian Estimation – cont.
Gaussian case – continued The univariate case p(x|D) The multivariate case 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

8 Non-parametric Methods
In maximum-likelihood and Bayesian estimation The forms of the probability densities are assumed to be known However, the assumed forms rarely fit the densities in practice In particular, all of the classical parametric densities are uni-modal 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

9 Visual Perception Modeling
A Multimodal Density 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

10 Visual Perception Modeling
Solutions More complicated parametric models Mixture of Gaussians More general, some basis functions to describe a probability density Learning is intrinsically more difficult when we have more parameters Non-parametric methods 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

11 Non-parametric Methods
Most of the non-parametric density estimation methods are based on the following fact The probability P that a vector x will fall in a region R is given by 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

12 Non-parametric Methods – cont.
For n smaples x1, ....., xn that are drawn independently according to p(x), the probability that k of n will be in R is given by V is the volume of R 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

13 Non-parametric Methods – cont.
11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

14 Non-parametric Methods – cont.
Problems to be addressed If we fix the volume V and have more samples, the ratio k/n will converge as desired Averaged version of p(x) How to estimate p(x)? Let V approach zero? 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

15 Visual Perception Modeling
Parzen Windows Parzen windows We use a window function for interpolation, each sample contributing to the estimate in accordance with its distance from x Here hn is a parameter 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

16 Visual Perception Modeling
Parzen Windows - cont. Choice of hn Too large, the spatial resolution is low Too small, the estimate will have a large variance 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

17 Visual Perception Modeling
Parzen Windows - cont. Properties Convergence of mean As n approaches infinity, the estimate will also approach p(x) if p(x) is continuous Smaller Vn is better Convergence of variance A smaller variance needs a larger Vn 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

18 Visual Perception Modeling
Parzen Windows - cont. 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

19 Visual Perception Modeling
Parzen Windows - cont. 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

20 Visual Perception Modeling
Parzen Windows - cont. 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

21 Visual Perception Modeling
Parzen Windows - cont. 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

22 Kn-Nearest-Neighbor Estimation
Let the cell volume be a function of the training data To estimate p(x) from n samples, we can center a cell about x and let it grow until it captures kn samples 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

23 Kn-Nearest-Neighbor Estimation – cont.
11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

24 Kn-Nearest-Neighbor Estimation – cont.
11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

25 Kn-Nearest-Neighbor Estimation – cont.
11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

26 The Nearest-Neighbor Rule
Let Dn={x1, ...., xn} denote a set of n labeled prototypes Suppose that x' be the prototype nearest to a test point x We classify x to the class associated with x' 11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

27 The Nearest-Neighbor Rule – cont.
11/16/2018 Visual Perception Modeling

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