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united Methodist church “Commission for the Way Forward”

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1 united Methodist church “Commission for the Way Forward”
Updates Bishop Peggy A. Johnson

2 The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church says:

3 Paragraph 161g “The United Methodist Church does not condone the practice of homosexuality and considers this practice incompatible with Christian teaching.”

4 Ordained Ministry – Paragraph 304.3
“The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. Therefore self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers or appointed to serve in the United Methodist Church.”

5 Marriage – Paragraph 161c “We affirm the sanctity of the marriage covenant that is expressed in love, mutual support, personal commitment, and shared fidelity between a man and a woman. We support laws in civil society that define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.”

6 Unauthorized Conduct – Paragraph 341.6
“Ceremonies that celebrate homosexual unions shall not be conducted by our ministers and shall not be conducted in our churches.”

7 Chargeable Offenses – Paragraph 2702.1 (a) (b)
“A clergy member…may be tried when charged with one or more of the following offenses (a) immorality including but not limited to, not being celibate in singleness or not faithful in a heterosexual marriage, (b) practices declared by the United Methodist church to be incompatible with Christian teachings, including but not limited to: being a self- avowed practicing homosexual or conducting ceremonies which celebrate homosexual unions; or performing same-sex wedding ceremonies…”

8 Since 1972… These paragraphs have been debated and voted again and again At every General Conference since these paragraphs have been challenged but in general they have stayed the same with the exception of some additions about “God’s grace is available for all” “we implore families and churches not to reject or condemn lesbians and gay members and friends.”

9 General Conference Portland, Oregon May 10-20, 2016

10 The Bishops’ “commission for the way forward” was created
All legislation regarding homosexuality was suspended A commission of 32 people was created to study the issue in depth and bring to the bishops a plan The commission consists of a wide variety of diversity: ethnically, gender, orientation, theological, lay and clergy The creation of the commission passed by 23 votes The 2012 Discipline stays in place while the commission does its work

11 Vision of the commission
To design a way for being church that maximizes the presence of the UM witness in as many places in the world as possible, that allows for as much contextual differentiation as possible and balances an approach to different theological understanding of human sexuality with a desire for as much unity as possible.

12 Vision of the commission
…This unity will not be grounded in our conceptions of human sexuality but in our affirmation of the Triune God who calls us to be a grace- filled and holy people in the Wesleyan tradition”

13 Process Undergirded with an intentional and global prayer effort
Study of the scriptures Presentations by theologians, historians, financial leaders, other denominations Hearing from agencies, boards, churches Much conversation and sharing of hearts and perspectives

14 Meetings The Commission has met 7 times and has scheduled 2 more meetings. The Commission lives together with a “Covenant of Accountability” of respect, prayer, study, hospitality, and confidentiality The Commission has identified behaviors that need to be avoided (harmful speech, interrupting others, blaming, distracting, politicizing) There is a process for sharing news, information and updates Matthew 18 is the model for how to work with each other as differences are processed

15 3 “Sketches” presented to the bishops in November 2017

16 Traditional model Affirms the current Book of Discipline language about homosexuality, ordination and same gender marriages/unions Places a high value on accountability THIS MODEL WAS ELIMINATED BECAUSE IT IS EMBEDDED IN THE OTHER TWO MODELS AND IS THE STATUS QUO.

17 Centrist model (One Church)
Removes all of the restrictive language in the Book of Discipline about homosexuality, ordination and same gender marriages/unions Has a high value on contextualization Protects the rights of those whose conscience will not allow them to perform same gender weddings or ordained LGBTQ persons

18 Unified core model (Multi-Branch: One Church)
Has one “core” that includes shared doctrine and services Creates 3 “branches” that have clearly defined values Jurisdictions will be eliminated and it will be just those three groups world-wide These values include: accountability, contextualization and justice 27 changes to the constitution would need to be made Each conference would vote where they wanted to affiliate

19 Unified core model (Multi-Branch: One Church)
Churches that did not agree with the model that their conference votes for can join one out of the area Pensions would serve all the areas and some agencies would as well but that is still being discussed

20 What the 2 REMAINING MODELS have in common
Each represent values that are within the Council of Bishops and the UMC Each includes a gracious way for those who feel called to exit from the denomination Each includes Biblical theology and mission

21 What the bishops have NOT done
We have not voted on any of these models We have not eliminated any model We have not ruled out other additional models that could come from further conversation We are not planning on schism and believe that unity is our best witness

22 Time line Conferences are encouraged to study the “Anatomy of Peace” (by the Arbinger Institute) and have conversations locally The bishops met Feb , 2018 in Dallas and discussed further but made no decisions The bishops will meet again April 29-May 4, in Chicago to finalize whatever they will be proposing. Special called session of General Conference to vote on this one issue: February 23-26, in St. Louis, MO

23 During the summer and fall
Delegations will be having discussions in the conferences Conversation will happen at annual conference Bishop Johnson will come to every district and have a town hall meeting to discuss this in the fall.

24 Special general Conference
There will be 864 delegates – (½ lay and ½ clergy) from the entire denomination 42% of the voting delegates are from countries other than the US 30% of the delegates are from the continent of Africa The majority of the US delegates are from the southeast and south central jurisdictions Eastern PA has 8 delegates, Pen Del has 4 delegates

25 Additional Information
The final proposal from the bishops may not be totally in print until July 8, 2018 (due to translation time) but the general idea will be out before then. The bishops will only be putting up one proposal but it may not be the two models we have now The bishops have done much prayer, theological reflection and Biblical study The bishops stressed public mission, contextuality, and unity in all their discussions

26 The Judicial Council will review whatever the bishops propose
Pensions and all the program agencies have weighed in on the impact of the models Institutions and partner organizations have been consulted Care has been given to the Central (global) Conferences and their concerns and opinions

27 Local conversations are encouraged

28 questions What are the most important values and convictions in seeking a way forward? What resources help us to tell the narratives of unity in seeking a way forward? What are the core convictions of our faith as United Methodists?

29 Pray for the Unity of the Church

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