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America Joins the Fight

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1 America Joins the Fight
“The Yanks are Coming” America Joins the Fight

2 New Technologies Used in World War I
Machine Guns Airplanes Poison Gas Tanks Submarines










12 General John J. Pershing
Leader of the American Expeditionary Force Sergeant Alvin York one of America's most famous soldiers

13 Battle of the Argonne Forest
The Americans launched the most massive attack in American history in Argonne Forest. General Pershing commanded over 600,000 American troops and 4,000 artillery pieces. The Americans had heavy losses but shattered the German defenses.

14 Alvin York On October 8, 1918, Corporal Alvin C. York and sixteen other soldiers were sent to take the Decauville railroad. The men, misread their map (which was in French not English) and wound up behind enemy lines. After a brief fight a superior German force unexpectedly surrendered. Once the Germans realized that the American contingent was small, they opened fire resulting in the deaths of nine Americans, including York's best friend Murray Savage. York was ordered to silence the machine gun. York was successful and when all was said and done, nine men had captured 132 prisoners.

15 Germany signed the armistice at Compiegne, France
Germany signed the armistice at Compiegne, France. Fighting ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month (i.e. 11 a.m. on November 11).

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