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DU’s Course Definitions

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1 Distance Learning 101 Definitions, Delivery Models and Common Misconceptions

2 DU’s Course Definitions
Online Course Course in which all or nearly all of the organized instruction is conducted online. Hybrid/Combined Course A course in which online (or other distance) instruction is combined with face-to-face instruction, where a substantial portion of the face to face instruction is replaced by online instruction.

3 Distance Learning Council Definitions
Distance/Online is a method of teaching where the student and instructor are separated by time or space, or both. For the purposes of the Distance Learning Council, distance learning is further defined as a formal educational program in which more than half (51%) of the contact hours occur when student and instructor are not in the same place. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous. Distance learning may employ any combination of correspondence study, audio, video, or computer and other online technologies. Blended Program A blended program is defined as a degree or certificate program through which a student can earn 25% or more of the degree or certificate through distance courses.


5 Distance Delivery Models at DU
Online (mostly asynchronous) Online (mostly synchronous) Blended/Online (required campus component) Combined/Hybrid Courses Lecture Capture Hy-Flex

6 Online Enrollment Growth at DU
46% growth over 5 years – In unique DU students took an online/distance course. Over the past 5 years, a total of 11,905 Non-duplicated students have taken online courses at DU. Gradual increase in fully online degree programs and big increase in the number of undergraduate students taking online courses especially in the summer.

7 DLC Annual Report & Survey

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